Source code for ffc.uflacs.language.cnodes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFLACS.
# UFLACS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# UFLACS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with UFLACS. If not, see <>.

import numpy
import numbers

from ffc.uflacs.language.format_value import format_value, format_float, format_int
from ffc.uflacs.language.format_lines import format_indented_lines, Indented
from ffc.uflacs.language.precedence import PRECEDENCE

"""CNode TODO:
- Array copy statement
- Extend ArrayDecl and ArrayAccess with support for
  flattened but conceptually multidimensional arrays,
  maybe even with padding (FlattenedArray possibly covers what we need)
- Function declaration
- TypeDef
- Type
- TemplateArgumentList
- Class declaration
- Class definition

############## Some helper functions

[docs]def assign_loop(dst, src, ranges): """Generate a nested loop over a list of ranges, assigning src to dst in the innermost loop. Ranges is a list on the format [(index, begin, end),...]. """ code = Assign(dst, src) for i, b, e in reversed(ranges): code = ForRange(i, b, e, code)
return code
[docs]def accumulate_loop(dst, src, ranges): """Generate a nested loop over a list of ranges, adding src to dst in the innermost loop. Ranges is a list on the format [(index, begin, end),...]. """ code = AssignAdd(dst, src) for i, b, e in reversed(ranges): code = ForRange(i, b, e, code)
return code
[docs]def scale_loop(dst, factor, ranges): """Generate a nested loop over a list of ranges, multiplying dst with factor in the innermost loop. Ranges is a list on the format [(index, begin, end),...]. """ code = AssignMul(dst, factor) for i, b, e in reversed(ranges): code = ForRange(i, b, e, code)
return code
[docs]def is_zero_cexpr(cexpr): return ( (isinstance(cexpr, LiteralFloat) and cexpr.value == 0.0) or (isinstance(cexpr, LiteralInt) and cexpr.value == 0)
[docs]def is_one_cexpr(cexpr): return ( (isinstance(cexpr, LiteralFloat) and cexpr.value == 1.0) or (isinstance(cexpr, LiteralInt) and cexpr.value == 1)
[docs]def is_negative_one_cexpr(cexpr): return ( (isinstance(cexpr, LiteralFloat) and cexpr.value == -1.0) or (isinstance(cexpr, LiteralInt) and cexpr.value == -1)
[docs]def float_product(factors): "Build product of float factors, simplifying ones and zeros and returning 1.0 if empty sequence." factors = [f for f in factors if not is_one_cexpr(f)] if len(factors) == 0: return LiteralFloat(1.0) elif len(factors) == 1: return factors[0] else: for f in factors: if is_zero_cexpr(f): return f
return Product(factors)
[docs]def MemZeroRange(name, begin, end): name = as_cexpr_or_string_symbol(name)
return Call("std::fill", (name + begin, name + end, LiteralFloat(0.0))) #return Call("std::fill", (AddressOf(name[begin]), AddressOf(name[end]), LiteralFloat(0.0)))
[docs]def MemZero(name, size): name = as_cexpr_or_string_symbol(name) size = as_cexpr(size)
return Call("std::fill_n", (name, size, LiteralFloat(0.0)))
[docs]def MemCopy(src, dst, size): src = as_cexpr_or_string_symbol(src) dst = as_cexpr_or_string_symbol(dst) size = as_cexpr(size)
return Call("std::copy_n", (src, size, dst)) ############## CNode core
[docs]class CNode(object): "Base class for all C AST nodes." __slots__ = () def __str__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ raise NotImplementedError("Missing implementation of __str__ in " + name) def __eq__(self, other): name = self.__class__.__name__ raise NotImplementedError("Missing implementation of __eq__ in " + name) def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other) CNode.debug = False ############## CExpr base classes
[docs]class CExpr(CNode): """Base class for all C expressions. All subtypes should define a 'precedence' class attribute. """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None):
raise NotImplementedError("Missing implementation of ce_format() in CExpr.") def __str__(self): try: s = self.ce_format() except Exception: if CNode.debug: print("Error in CExpr string formatting. Inspect self.") import IPython; IPython.embed() raise return s def __getitem__(self, indices): return ArrayAccess(self, indices) def __neg__(self): if isinstance(self, LiteralFloat): return LiteralFloat(-self.value) if isinstance(self, LiteralInt): return LiteralInt(-self.value) return Neg(self) def __add__(self, other): other = as_cexpr(other) if is_zero_cexpr(self): return other if is_zero_cexpr(other): return self if isinstance(other, Neg): return Sub(self, other.arg) return Add(self, other) def __radd__(self, other): other = as_cexpr(other) if is_zero_cexpr(self): return other if is_zero_cexpr(other): return self if isinstance(self, Neg): return Sub(other, self.arg) return Add(other, self) def __sub__(self, other): other = as_cexpr(other) if is_zero_cexpr(self): return -other if is_zero_cexpr(other): return self if isinstance(other, Neg): return Add(self, other.arg) return Sub(self, other) def __rsub__(self, other): other = as_cexpr(other) if is_zero_cexpr(self): return other if is_zero_cexpr(other): return -self if isinstance(self, Neg): return Add(other, self.arg) return Sub(other, self) def __mul__(self, other): other = as_cexpr(other) if is_zero_cexpr(self): return self if is_zero_cexpr(other): return other if is_one_cexpr(self): return other if is_one_cexpr(other): return self if is_negative_one_cexpr(other): return Neg(self) if is_negative_one_cexpr(self): return Neg(other) return Mul(self, other) def __rmul__(self, other): other = as_cexpr(other) if is_zero_cexpr(self): return self if is_zero_cexpr(other): return other if is_one_cexpr(self): return other if is_one_cexpr(other): return self if is_negative_one_cexpr(other): return Neg(self) if is_negative_one_cexpr(self): return Neg(other) return Mul(other, self) def __div__(self, other): other = as_cexpr(other) if is_zero_cexpr(other): raise ValueError("Division by zero!") if is_zero_cexpr(self): return self return Div(self, other) def __rdiv__(self, other): other = as_cexpr(other) if is_zero_cexpr(self): raise ValueError("Division by zero!") if is_zero_cexpr(other): return other return Div(other, self) # TODO: Error check types? Can't do that exactly as symbols here have no type. __truediv__ = __div__ __rtruediv__ = __rdiv__ __floordiv__ = __div__ __rfloordiv__ = __rdiv__ def __mod__(self, other): other = as_cexpr(other) if is_zero_cexpr(other): raise ValueError("Division by zero!") if is_zero_cexpr(self): return self return Mod(self, other) def __rmod__(self, other): other = as_cexpr(other) if is_zero_cexpr(self): raise ValueError("Division by zero!") if is_zero_cexpr(other): return other
return Mod(other, self)
[docs]class CExprOperator(CExpr): """Base class for all C expression operator.""" __slots__ = ()
sideeffect = False
[docs]class CExprTerminal(CExpr): """Base class for all C expression terminals.""" __slots__ = ()
sideeffect = False ############## CExprTerminal types
[docs]class CExprLiteral(CExprTerminal): "A float or int literal value." __slots__ = ()
[docs]class Null(CExprLiteral): "A null pointer literal." __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.LITERAL
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None): # C or old C++ version #return "NULL" # C++11 version
return "nullptr" def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, Null)
[docs]class LiteralFloat(CExprLiteral): "A floating point literal value." __slots__ = ("value",) precedence = PRECEDENCE.LITERAL def __init__(self, value): assert isinstance(value, (float, int, numpy.number)) self.value = value
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None):
return format_float(self.value, precision) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, LiteralFloat) and self.value == other.value def __bool__(self): return bool(self.value) __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __float__(self):
return float(self.value)
[docs]class LiteralInt(CExprLiteral): "An integer literal value." __slots__ = ("value",) precedence = PRECEDENCE.LITERAL def __init__(self, value): assert isinstance(value, (int, numpy.number)) self.value = value
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None):
return str(self.value) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, LiteralInt) and self.value == other.value def __bool__(self): return bool(self.value) __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __int__(self): return int(self.value) def __float__(self):
return float(self.value)
[docs]class LiteralBool(CExprLiteral): "A boolean literal value." __slots__ = ("value",) precedence = PRECEDENCE.LITERAL def __init__(self, value): assert isinstance(value, (bool,)) self.value = value
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None):
return "true" if self.value else "false" def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, LiteralBool) and self.value == other.value def __bool__(self): return bool(self.value)
__nonzero__ = __bool__
[docs]class LiteralString(CExprLiteral): "A boolean literal value." __slots__ = ("value",) precedence = PRECEDENCE.LITERAL def __init__(self, value): assert isinstance(value, (str,)) assert '"' not in value self.value = value
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None):
return '"%s"' % (self.value,) def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, LiteralString) and self.value == other.value
[docs]class Symbol(CExprTerminal): "A named symbol." __slots__ = ("name",) precedence = PRECEDENCE.SYMBOL def __init__(self, name): assert isinstance(name, str) = name
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None):
return def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, Symbol) and ==
[docs]class VerbatimExpr(CExprTerminal): """A verbatim copy of an expression source string. Handled as having the lowest precedence which will introduce parentheses around it most of the time.""" __slots__ = ("codestring",) precedence = PRECEDENCE.LOWEST def __init__(self, codestring): assert isinstance(codestring, str) self.codestring = codestring
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None):
return self.codestring def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, VerbatimExpr) and self.codestring == other.codestring
[docs]class New(CExpr): __slots__ = ("typename",) def __init__(self, typename): assert isinstance(typename, str) self.typename = typename
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None):
return "new %s()" % (self.typename,) def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, New) and self.typename == other.typename ############## CExprOperator base classes
[docs]class UnaryOp(CExprOperator): "Base class for unary operators." __slots__ = ("arg",) def __init__(self, arg): self.arg = as_cexpr(arg) def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.arg == other.arg
[docs]class PrefixUnaryOp(UnaryOp): "Base class for prefix unary operators." __slots__ = ()
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None): arg = self.arg.ce_format(precision) if self.arg.precedence >= self.precedence: arg = '(' + arg + ')'
return self.op + arg def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, type(self))
[docs]class PostfixUnaryOp(UnaryOp): "Base class for postfix unary operators." __slots__ = ()
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None): arg = self.arg.ce_format(precision) if self.arg.precedence >= self.precedence: arg = '(' + arg + ')'
return arg + self.op def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, type(self))
[docs]class BinOp(CExprOperator): __slots__ = ("lhs", "rhs") def __init__(self, lhs, rhs): self.lhs = as_cexpr(lhs) self.rhs = as_cexpr(rhs)
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None): # Format children lhs = self.lhs.ce_format(precision) rhs = self.rhs.ce_format(precision) # Apply parentheses if self.lhs.precedence > self.precedence: lhs = '(' + lhs + ')' if self.rhs.precedence >= self.precedence: rhs = '(' + rhs + ')' # Return combined string
return lhs + (" " + self.op + " ") + rhs def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.lhs == other.lhs
and self.rhs == other.rhs)
[docs]class NaryOp(CExprOperator): "Base class for special n-ary operators." __slots__ = ("args",) def __init__(self, args): self.args = [as_cexpr(arg) for arg in args]
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None): # Format children args = [arg.ce_format(precision) for arg in self.args] # Apply parentheses for i in range(len(args)): if self.args[i].precedence >= self.precedence: args[i] = '(' + args[i] + ')' # Return combined string op = " " + self.op + " " s = args[0] for i in range(1, len(args)): s += op + args[i]
return s def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and len(self.args) == len(other.args)
and all(a == b for a, b in zip(self.args, other.args))) ############## CExpr unary operators
[docs]class Dereference(PrefixUnaryOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.DEREFERENCE
op = "*"
[docs]class AddressOf(PrefixUnaryOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.ADDRESSOF
op = "&"
[docs]class SizeOf(PrefixUnaryOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.SIZEOF
op = "sizeof"
[docs]class Neg(PrefixUnaryOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.NEG
op = "-"
[docs]class Pos(PrefixUnaryOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.POS
op = "+"
[docs]class Not(PrefixUnaryOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.NOT
op = "!"
[docs]class BitNot(PrefixUnaryOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.BIT_NOT
op = "~"
[docs]class PreIncrement(PrefixUnaryOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.PRE_INC sideeffect = True
op = "++"
[docs]class PreDecrement(PrefixUnaryOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.PRE_DEC sideeffect = True
op = "--"
[docs]class PostIncrement(PostfixUnaryOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.POST_INC sideeffect = True
op = "++"
[docs]class PostDecrement(PostfixUnaryOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.POST_DEC sideeffect = True
op = "--" ############## CExpr binary operators
[docs]class Add(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.ADD
op = "+"
[docs]class Sub(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.SUB
op = "-"
[docs]class Mul(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.MUL
op = "*"
[docs]class Div(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.DIV
op = "/"
[docs]class Mod(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.MOD
op = "%"
[docs]class EQ(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.EQ
op = "=="
[docs]class NE(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.NE
op = "!="
[docs]class LT(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.LT
op = "<"
[docs]class GT(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.GT
op = ">"
[docs]class LE(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.LE
op = "<="
[docs]class GE(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.GE
op = ">="
[docs]class And(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.AND
op = "&&"
[docs]class Or(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.OR
op = "||"
[docs]class BitAnd(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.BIT_AND
op = "&"
[docs]class BitXor(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.BIT_XOR
op = "^"
[docs]class BitOr(BinOp): __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.BIT_OR
op = "|"
[docs]class Sum(NaryOp): "Sum of any number of operands." __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.ADD
op = "+"
[docs]class Product(NaryOp): "Product of any number of operands." __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.MUL
op = "*"
[docs]class AssignOp(BinOp): "Base class for assignment operators." __slots__ = () precedence = PRECEDENCE.ASSIGN sideeffect = True def __init__(self, lhs, rhs):
BinOp.__init__(self, as_cexpr_or_string_symbol(lhs), rhs)
[docs]class Assign(AssignOp): __slots__ = ()
op = "="
[docs]class AssignAdd(AssignOp): __slots__ = ()
op = "+="
[docs]class AssignSub(AssignOp): __slots__ = ()
op = "-="
[docs]class AssignMul(AssignOp): __slots__ = ()
op = "*="
[docs]class AssignDiv(AssignOp): __slots__ = ()
op = "/="
[docs]class AssignMod(AssignOp): __slots__ = ()
op = "%="
[docs]class AssignLShift(AssignOp): __slots__ = ()
op = "<<="
[docs]class AssignRShift(AssignOp): __slots__ = ()
op = ">>="
[docs]class AssignAnd(AssignOp): __slots__ = ()
op = "&&="
[docs]class AssignOr(AssignOp): __slots__ = ()
op = "||="
[docs]class AssignBitAnd(AssignOp): __slots__ = ()
op = "&="
[docs]class AssignBitXor(AssignOp): __slots__ = ()
op = "^="
[docs]class AssignBitOr(AssignOp): __slots__ = ()
op = "|=" ############## CExpr operators
[docs]class FlattenedArray(object): """Syntax carrying object only, will get translated on __getitem__ to ArrayAccess.""" __slots__ = ("array", "strides", "offset", "dims") def __init__(self, array, dummy=None, dims=None, strides=None, offset=None): assert dummy is None, "Please use keyword arguments for strides or dims." # Typecheck array argument if isinstance(array, ArrayDecl): self.array = array.symbol elif isinstance(array, Symbol): self.array = array else: assert isinstance(array, str) self.array = Symbol(array) # Allow expressions or literals as strides or dims and offset if strides is None: assert dims is not None, "Please provide either strides or dims." assert isinstance(dims, (list, tuple)) dims = tuple(as_cexpr(i) for i in dims) self.dims = dims n = len(dims) literal_one = LiteralInt(1) strides = [literal_one]*n for i in range(n-2, -1, -1): s = strides[i+1] d = dims[i+1] if d == literal_one: strides[i] = s elif s == literal_one: strides[i] = d else: strides[i] = d * s else: self.dims = None assert isinstance(strides, (list, tuple)) strides = tuple(as_cexpr(i) for i in strides) self.strides = strides self.offset = None if offset is None else as_cexpr(offset) def __getitem__(self, indices): if not isinstance(indices, (list,tuple)): indices = (indices,) n = len(indices) if n == 0: # Handle scalar case, allowing dims=() and indices=() for A[0] if len(self.strides) != 0: raise ValueError("Empty indices for nonscalar array.") flat = LiteralInt(0) else: i, s = (indices[0], self.strides[0]) literal_one = LiteralInt(1) flat = (i if s == literal_one else s * i) if self.offset is not None: flat = self.offset + flat for i, s in zip(indices[1:n], self.strides[1:n]): flat = flat + (i if s == literal_one else s * i) # Delay applying ArrayAccess until we have all indices if n == len(self.strides): return ArrayAccess(self.array, flat) else:
return FlattenedArray(self.array, strides=self.strides[n:], offset=flat)
[docs]class ArrayAccess(CExprOperator): __slots__ = ("array", "indices") precedence = PRECEDENCE.SUBSCRIPT def __init__(self, array, indices): # Typecheck array argument if isinstance(array, str): array = Symbol(array) if isinstance(array, Symbol): self.array = array elif isinstance(array, ArrayDecl): self.array = array.symbol else: raise ValueError("Unexpected array type %s." % (type(array).__name__,)) # Allow expressions or literals as indices if not isinstance(indices, (list, tuple)): indices = (indices,) self.indices = tuple(as_cexpr_or_string_symbol(i) for i in indices) # Early error checking for negative array dimensions if any(isinstance(i, int) and i < 0 for i in self.indices): raise ValueError("Index value < 0.") # Additional dimension checks possible if we get an ArrayDecl instead of just a name if isinstance(array, ArrayDecl): if len(self.indices) != len(array.sizes): raise ValueError("Invalid number of indices.") ints = (int, LiteralInt) if any((isinstance(i, ints) and isinstance(d, ints) and int(i) >= int(d)) for i, d in zip(self.indices, array.sizes)): raise ValueError("Index value >= array dimension.") def __getitem__(self, indices): "Handling nested expr[i][j]." if isinstance(indices, list): indices = tuple(indices) elif not isinstance(indices, tuple): indices = (indices,) return ArrayAccess(self.array, self.indices + indices)
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None): s = self.array.ce_format(precision) for index in self.indices: s += "[" + index.ce_format(precision) + "]"
return s def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.array == other.array
and self.indices == other.indices)
[docs]class Conditional(CExprOperator): __slots__ = ("condition", "true", "false") precedence = PRECEDENCE.CONDITIONAL def __init__(self, condition, true, false): self.condition = as_cexpr(condition) self.true = as_cexpr(true) self.false = as_cexpr(false)
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None): # Format children c = self.condition.ce_format(precision) t = self.true.ce_format(precision) f = self.false.ce_format(precision) # Apply parentheses if self.condition.precedence >= self.precedence: c = '(' + c + ')' if self.true.precedence >= self.precedence: t = '(' + t + ')' if self.false.precedence >= self.precedence: f = '(' + f + ')' # Return combined string
return c + " ? " + t + " : " + f def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.condition == other.condition and self.true == other.true
and self.false == other.false)
[docs]class Call(CExprOperator): __slots__ = ("function", "arguments") precedence = PRECEDENCE.CALL sideeffect = True def __init__(self, function, arguments=None): self.function = as_cexpr_or_string_symbol(function) # Accept None, single, or multple arguments; literals or CExprs if arguments is None: arguments = () elif not isinstance(arguments, (tuple, list)): arguments = (arguments,) self.arguments = [as_cexpr(arg) for arg in arguments]
[docs] def ce_format(self, precision=None): args = ", ".join(arg.ce_format(precision) for arg in self.arguments)
return self.function.ce_format(precision) + "(" + args + ")" def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.function == other.function
and self.arguments == other.arguments)
[docs]def Sqrt(x):
return Call("std::sqrt", x) ############## Convertion function to expression nodes def _is_zero_valued(values): if isinstance(values, (numbers.Integral, LiteralInt)): return int(values) == 0 elif isinstance(values, (numbers.Number, LiteralFloat)): return float(values) == 0.0 else: return numpy.count_nonzero(values) == 0
[docs]def as_cexpr(node): """Typechecks and wraps an object as a valid CExpr. Accepts CExpr nodes, treats int and float as literals, and treats a string as a symbol. """ if isinstance(node, CExpr): return node elif isinstance(node, bool): return LiteralBool(node) elif isinstance(node, numbers.Integral): return LiteralInt(node) elif isinstance(node, numbers.Real): return LiteralFloat(node) elif isinstance(node, str): raise RuntimeError("Got string for CExpr, this is ambiguous: %s" % (node,)) else:
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected CExpr type %s:\n%s" % (type(node), str(node)))
[docs]def as_cexpr_or_string_symbol(node): if isinstance(node, str): return Symbol(node)
return as_cexpr(node)
[docs]def as_cexpr_or_verbatim(node): if isinstance(node, str): return VerbatimExpr(node)
return as_cexpr(node)
[docs]def as_cexpr_or_literal(node): if isinstance(node, str): return LiteralString(node)
return as_cexpr(node)
[docs]def as_symbol(symbol): if isinstance(symbol, str): symbol = Symbol(symbol) assert isinstance(symbol, Symbol)
return symbol
[docs]def flattened_indices(indices, shape): """Given a tuple of indices and a shape tuple, return CNode expression for flattened indexing into multidimensional array. Indices and shape entries can be int values, str symbol names, or CNode expressions. """ n = len(shape) if n == 0: # Scalar return as_cexpr(0) elif n == 1: # Simple vector return as_cexpr(indices[0]) else: # 2d or higher strides = [None]*(n-2) + [shape[-1], 1] for i in range(n-3, -1, -1): strides[i] = Mul(shape[i+1], strides[i+1]) result = indices[-1] for i in range(n-2, -1, -1): result = Add(Mul(strides[i], indices[i]), result)
return result ############## Base class for all statements
[docs]class CStatement(CNode): """Base class for all C statements. Subtypes do _not_ define a 'precedence' class attribute. """ __slots__ = () # True if statement contains its own scope, false by default to be on the safe side is_scoped = False
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): "Return S: string | list(S) | Indented(S)."
raise NotImplementedError("Missing implementation of cs_format() in CStatement.") def __str__(self): try: s = self.cs_format() except Exception: if CNode.debug: print("Error in CStatement string formatting. Inspect self.") import IPython; IPython.embed() raise
return format_indented_lines(s) ############## Statements
[docs]class VerbatimStatement(CStatement): "Wraps a source code string to be pasted verbatim into the source code." __slots__ = ("codestring",) is_scoped = False def __init__(self, codestring): assert isinstance(codestring, str) self.codestring = codestring
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None):
return self.codestring def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self))
and self.codestring == other.codestring)
[docs]class Statement(CStatement): "Make an expression into a statement." __slots__ = ("expr",) is_scoped = False def __init__(self, expr): self.expr = as_cexpr(expr)
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None):
return self.expr.ce_format(precision) + ";" def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self))
and self.expr == other.expr)
[docs]class StatementList(CStatement): "A simple sequence of statements. No new scopes are introduced." __slots__ = ("statements",) def __init__(self, statements): self.statements = [as_cstatement(st) for st in statements] @property def is_scoped(self): return all(st.is_scoped for st in self.statements)
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None):
return [st.cs_format(precision) for st in self.statements] def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self))
and self.statements == other.statements) ############## Simple statements
[docs]class Using(CStatement): __slots__ = ("name",) is_scoped = True def __init__(self, name): assert isinstance(name, str) = name
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None):
return "using " + + ";" def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self))
and ==
[docs]class Break(CStatement): __slots__ = () is_scoped = True
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None):
return "break;" def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, type(self))
[docs]class Continue(CStatement): __slots__ = () is_scoped = True
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None):
return "continue;" def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, type(self))
[docs]class Return(CStatement): __slots__ = ("value",) is_scoped = True def __init__(self, value=None): if value is None: self.value = None else: self.value = as_cexpr(value)
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): if self.value is None: return "return;" else:
return "return %s;" % (self.value.ce_format(precision),) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self))
and self.value == other.value)
[docs]class Case(CStatement): __slots__ = ("value",) is_scoped = False def __init__(self, value): # NB! This is too permissive and will allow invalid case arguments. self.value = as_cexpr(value)
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None):
return "case " + self.value.ce_format(precision) + ":" def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self))
and self.value == other.value)
[docs]class Default(CStatement): __slots__ = () is_scoped = False
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None):
return "default:" def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, type(self))
[docs]class Throw(CStatement): __slots__ = ("exception", "message") is_scoped = True def __init__(self, exception, message): assert isinstance(exception, str) assert isinstance(message, str) self.exception = exception self.message = message
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): assert '"' not in self.message
return "throw " + self.exception + '("' + self.message + '");' def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.message == other.message
and self.exception == other.exception)
[docs]class Comment(CStatement): "Line comment(s) used for annotating the generated code with human readable remarks." __slots__ = ("comment",) is_scoped = True def __init__(self, comment): assert isinstance(comment, str) self.comment = comment
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): lines = self.comment.strip().split("\n")
return ["// " + line.strip() for line in lines] def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self))
and self.comment == other.comment)
[docs]def NoOp():
return Comment("Do nothing")
[docs]def commented_code_list(code, comments): "Convenience wrapper for adding comment to code list if the list is not empty." if isinstance(code, CNode): code = [code] assert isinstance(code, list) if code: if not isinstance(comments, (list, tuple)): comments = [comments] comments = [Comment(c) for c in comments] code = comments + code
return code
[docs]class Pragma(CStatement): "Pragma comments used for compiler-specific annotations." __slots__ = ("comment",) is_scoped = True def __init__(self, comment): assert isinstance(comment, str) self.comment = comment
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): assert "\n" not in self.comment
return "#pragma " + self.comment def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self))
and self.comment == other.comment) ############## Type and variable declarations
[docs]class VariableDecl(CStatement): "Declare a variable, optionally define initial value." __slots__ = ("typename", "symbol", "value") is_scoped = False def __init__(self, typename, symbol, value=None): # No type system yet, just using strings assert isinstance(typename, str) self.typename = typename # Allow Symbol or just a string self.symbol = as_symbol(symbol) if value is not None: value = as_cexpr(value) self.value = value
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): code = self.typename + " " + if self.value is not None: code += " = " + self.value.ce_format(precision)
return code + ";" def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.typename == other.typename and self.symbol == other.symbol
and self.value == other.value)
[docs]def leftover(size, padlen): "Return minimum integer to add to size to make it divisible by padlen."
return (padlen - (size % padlen)) % padlen
[docs]def pad_dim(dim, padlen): "Make dim divisible by padlen."
return ((dim + padlen - 1) // padlen) * padlen
[docs]def pad_innermost_dim(shape, padlen): "Make the last dimension in shape divisible by padlen." if not shape: return () shape = list(shape) if padlen: shape[-1] = pad_dim(shape[-1], padlen)
return tuple(shape)
[docs]def build_1d_initializer_list(values, formatter, padlen=0, precision=None): '''Return a list containing a single line formatted like "{ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 }"''' if formatter == str: formatter = lambda x, p: str(x) tokens = ["{ "] if numpy.product(values.shape) > 0: sep = ", " fvalues = [formatter(v, precision) for v in values] for v in fvalues[:-1]: tokens.append(v) tokens.append(sep) tokens.append(fvalues[-1]) if padlen: # Add padding zero = formatter(values.dtype.type(0), precision) for i in range(leftover(len(values), padlen)): tokens.append(sep) tokens.append(zero) tokens += " }"
return "".join(tokens)
[docs]def build_initializer_lists(values, sizes, level, formatter, padlen=0, precision=None): """Return a list of lines with initializer lists for a multidimensional array. Example output:: { { 0.0, 0.1 }, { 1.0, 1.1 } } """ if formatter == str: formatter = lambda x, p: str(x) values = numpy.asarray(values) assert numpy.product(values.shape) == numpy.product(sizes) assert len(sizes) > 0 assert len(values.shape) > 0 assert len(sizes) == len(values.shape) assert numpy.all(values.shape == sizes) r = len(sizes) assert r > 0 if r == 1: return [build_1d_initializer_list(values, formatter, padlen=padlen, precision=precision)] else: # Render all sublists parts = [] for val in values: sublist = build_initializer_lists(val, sizes[1:], level+1, formatter, padlen=padlen, precision=precision) parts.append(sublist) # Add comma after last line in each part except the last one for part in parts[:-1]: part[-1] += "," # Collect all lines in flat list lines = [] for part in parts: lines.extend(part) # Enclose lines in '{ ' and ' }' and indent lines in between lines[0] = "{ " + lines[0] for i in range(1,len(lines)): lines[i] = " " + lines[i] lines[-1] += " }"
return lines
[docs]class ArrayDecl(CStatement): """A declaration or definition of an array. Note that just setting values=0 is sufficient to initialize the entire array to zero. Otherwise use nested lists of lists to represent multidimensional array values to initialize to. """ __slots__ = ("typename", "symbol", "sizes", "alignas", "padlen", "values") is_scoped = False def __init__(self, typename, symbol, sizes=None, values=None, alignas=None, padlen=0): assert isinstance(typename, str) self.typename = typename if isinstance(symbol, FlattenedArray): if sizes is None: assert symbol.dims is not None sizes = symbol.dims elif symbol.dims is not None: assert symbol.dims == sizes self.symbol = symbol.array else: self.symbol = as_symbol(symbol) if isinstance(sizes, int): sizes = (sizes,) self.sizes = tuple(sizes) # NB! No type checking, assuming nested lists of literal values. Not applying as_cexpr. if isinstance(values, (list, tuple)): self.values = numpy.asarray(values) else: self.values = values self.alignas = alignas self.padlen = padlen def __getitem__(self, indices): """Allow using array declaration object as the array when indexed. A = ArrayDecl("int", "A", (2,3)) code = [A, Assign(A[0,0], 1.0)] """ return ArrayAccess(self, indices)
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): # Pad innermost array dimension sizes = pad_innermost_dim(self.sizes, self.padlen) # Add brackets brackets = ''.join("[%d]" % n for n in sizes) # Join declaration decl = self.typename + " " + + brackets # NB! C++11 style alignas prefix syntax. # If trying other target languages, must use other syntax. if self.alignas: align = "alignas(%d)" % int(self.alignas) decl = align + " " + decl if self.values is None: # Undefined initial values return decl + ";" elif _is_zero_valued(self.values): # Zero initial values # (NB! C++ style zero initialization, not sure about other target languages) return decl + " = {};" else: # Construct initializer lists for arbitrary multidimensional array values if self.values.dtype.kind == "f": formatter = format_float elif self.values.dtype.kind == "i": formatter = format_int else: formatter = format_value initializer_lists = build_initializer_lists(self.values, self.sizes, 0, formatter, padlen=self.padlen, precision=precision) if len(initializer_lists) == 1: return decl + " = " + initializer_lists[0] + ";" else: initializer_lists[-1] += ";" # Close statement on final line
return (decl + " =", Indented(initializer_lists)) def __eq__(self, other): attributes = ("typename", "symbol", "sizes", "alignas", "padlen", "values") return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and all(getattr(self, name) == getattr(self, name)
for name in attributes)) ############## Scoped statements
[docs]class Scope(CStatement): __slots__ = ("body",) is_scoped = True def __init__(self, body): self.body = as_cstatement(body)
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None):
return ("{", Indented(self.body.cs_format(precision)), "}") def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self))
and self.body == other.body)
[docs]class Namespace(CStatement): __slots__ = ("name", "body") is_scoped = True def __init__(self, name, body): assert isinstance(name, str) = name self.body = as_cstatement(body)
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): return ("namespace " +,
"{", Indented(self.body.cs_format(precision)), "}") def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and ==
and self.body == other.body) def _is_scoped_statement(body): return def _is_simple_if_body(body): if isinstance(body, StatementList): if len(body.statements) > 1: return False body, = body.statements return isinstance(body, (Return, AssignOp, Break, Continue))
[docs]class If(CStatement): __slots__ = ("condition", "body") is_scoped = True def __init__(self, condition, body): self.condition = as_cexpr(condition) self.body = as_cstatement(body)
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): statement = "if (" + self.condition.ce_format(precision) + ")" body_fmt = Indented(self.body.cs_format(precision)) if _is_simple_if_body(self.body): return (statement, body_fmt) else:
return (statement, "{", body_fmt, "}") def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.condition == other.condition
and self.body == other.body)
[docs]class ElseIf(CStatement): __slots__ = ("condition", "body") is_scoped = True def __init__(self, condition, body): self.condition = as_cexpr(condition) self.body = as_cstatement(body)
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): statement = "else if (" + self.condition.ce_format(precision) + ")" body_fmt = Indented(self.body.cs_format(precision)) if _is_simple_if_body(self.body): return (statement, body_fmt) else:
return (statement, "{", body_fmt, "}") def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.condition == other.condition
and self.body == other.body)
[docs]class Else(CStatement): __slots__ = ("body",) is_scoped = True def __init__(self, body): self.body = as_cstatement(body)
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): statement = "else" body_fmt = Indented(self.body.cs_format(precision)) if _is_simple_if_body(self.body): return (statement, body_fmt) else:
return (statement, "{", body_fmt, "}") def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self))
and self.body == other.body)
[docs]class While(CStatement): __slots__ = ("condition", "body") is_scoped = True def __init__(self, condition, body): self.condition = as_cexpr(condition) self.body = as_cstatement(body)
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): return ("while (" + self.condition.ce_format(precision) + ")",
"{", Indented(self.body.cs_format(precision)), "}") def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.condition == other.condition
and self.body == other.body)
[docs]class Do(CStatement): __slots__ = ("condition", "body") is_scoped = True def __init__(self, condition, body): self.condition = as_cexpr(condition) self.body = as_cstatement(body)
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): return ("do", "{", Indented(self.body.cs_format(precision)),
"} while (" + self.condition.ce_format(precision) + ");") def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.condition == other.condition
and self.body == other.body)
[docs]def as_pragma(pragma): if isinstance(pragma, str): return Pragma(pragma) elif isinstance(pragma, Pragma): return pragma
return None
[docs]def is_simple_inner_loop(code): if isinstance(code, (ForRange, For)) and code.pragma is None and is_simple_inner_loop(code.body): return True if isinstance(code, Statement) and isinstance(code.expr, AssignOp): return True
return False
[docs]class For(CStatement): __slots__ = ("init", "check", "update", "body", "pragma") is_scoped = True def __init__(self, init, check, update, body, pragma=None): self.init = as_cstatement(init) self.check = as_cexpr_or_verbatim(check) self.update = as_cexpr_or_verbatim(update) self.body = as_cstatement(body) self.pragma = as_pragma(pragma)
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): # The C model here is a bit crude and this causes trouble # in the init statement/expression here: init = self.init.cs_format(precision) assert isinstance(init, str) init = init.rstrip(" ;") check = self.check.ce_format(precision) update = self.update.ce_format(precision) prelude = "for (" + init + "; " + check + "; " + update + ")" body = Indented(self.body.cs_format(precision)) # Reduce size of code with lots of simple loops by dropping {} in obviously safe cases if is_simple_inner_loop(self.body): code = (prelude, body) else: code = (prelude, "{", body, "}") # Add pragma prefix if requested if self.pragma is not None: code = (self.pragma.cs_format(),) + code
return code def __eq__(self, other): attributes = ("init", "check", "update", "body") return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and all(getattr(self, name) == getattr(self, name)
for name in attributes))
[docs]class Switch(CStatement): __slots__ = ("arg", "cases", "default", "autobreak", "autoscope") is_scoped = True def __init__(self, arg, cases, default=None, autobreak=True, autoscope=True): self.arg = as_cexpr_or_string_symbol(arg) self.cases = [(as_cexpr(value), as_cstatement(body)) for value, body in cases] if default is not None: default = as_cstatement(default) defcase = [(None, default)] else: defcase = [] self.default = default # If this is a switch where every case returns, scopes or breaks are never needed if all(isinstance(case[1], Return) for case in self.cases + defcase): autobreak = False autoscope = False if all(case[1].is_scoped for case in self.cases + defcase): autoscope = False assert autobreak in (True, False) assert autoscope in (True, False) self.autobreak = autobreak self.autoscope = autoscope
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): cases = [] for case in self.cases: caseheader = "case " + case[0].ce_format(precision) + ":" casebody = case[1].cs_format(precision) if self.autoscope: casebody = ("{", Indented(casebody), "}") if self.autobreak: casebody = (casebody, "break;") cases.extend([caseheader, Indented(casebody)]) if self.default is not None: caseheader = "default:" casebody = self.default.cs_format(precision) if self.autoscope: casebody = ("{", Indented(casebody), "}") cases.extend([caseheader, Indented(casebody)]) return ("switch (" + self.arg.ce_format(precision) + ")",
"{", cases, "}") def __eq__(self, other): attributes = ("arg", "cases", "default", "autobreak", "autoscope") return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and all(getattr(self, name) == getattr(self, name)
for name in attributes))
[docs]class ForRange(CStatement): "Slightly higher-level for loop assuming incrementing an index over a range." __slots__ = ("index", "begin", "end", "body", "pragma", "index_type") is_scoped = True def __init__(self, index, begin, end, body, index_type="int", vectorize=None): self.index = as_cexpr_or_string_symbol(index) self.begin = as_cexpr(begin) self.end = as_cexpr(end) self.body = as_cstatement(body) if vectorize: pragma = Pragma("omp simd") else: pragma = None self.pragma = pragma self.index_type = index_type
[docs] def cs_format(self, precision=None): indextype = self.index_type index = self.index.ce_format(precision) begin = self.begin.ce_format(precision) end = self.end.ce_format(precision) init = indextype + " " + index + " = " + begin check = index + " < " + end update = "++" + index prelude = "for (" + init + "; " + check + "; " + update + ")" body = Indented(self.body.cs_format(precision)) # Reduce size of code with lots of simple loops by dropping {} in obviously safe cases if is_simple_inner_loop(self.body): code = (prelude, body) else: code = (prelude, "{", body, "}") # Add vectorization hint if requested if self.pragma is not None: code = (self.pragma.cs_format(),) + code
return code def __eq__(self, other): attributes = ("index", "begin", "end", "body", "pragma", "index_type") return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and all(getattr(self, name) == getattr(self, name)
for name in attributes))
[docs]def ForRanges(*ranges, **kwargs): ranges = list(reversed(ranges)) code = kwargs["body"] for r in ranges: kwargs["body"] = code code = ForRange(*r, **kwargs)
return code ############## Convertion function to statement nodes
[docs]def as_cstatement(node): "Perform type checking on node and wrap in a suitable statement type if necessary." if isinstance(node, StatementList) and len(node.statements) == 1: # Cleans up the expression tree a bit return node.statements[0] elif isinstance(node, CStatement): # No-op return node elif isinstance(node, CExprOperator): if node.sideeffect: # Special case for using assignment expressions as statements return Statement(node) else: raise RuntimeError( "Trying to create a statement of CExprOperator type %s:\n%s" % (type(node), str(node))) elif isinstance(node, list): # Convenience case for list of statements if len(node) == 1: # Cleans up the expression tree a bit return as_cstatement(node[0]) else: return StatementList(node) elif isinstance(node, str): # Backdoor for flexibility in code generation to allow verbatim pasted statements return VerbatimStatement(node) else:
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected CStatement type %s:\n%s" % (type(node), str(node)))