Source code for ffc.uflacs.backends.ffc.access

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFLACS.
# UFLACS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# UFLACS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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"""FFC/UFC specific variable access."""

from ufl.corealg.multifunction import MultiFunction
from ufl.permutation import build_component_numbering
from ufl.measure import custom_integral_types
from ufl.finiteelement import MixedElement

from ffc.log import error, warning, debug
from ffc.fiatinterface import create_element

from ffc.uflacs.backends.ffc.symbols import FFCBackendSymbols
from ffc.uflacs.backends.ffc.common import num_coordinate_component_dofs

[docs]class FFCBackendAccess(MultiFunction): """FFC specific cpp formatter class.""" def __init__(self, ir, language, symbols, parameters): MultiFunction.__init__(self) # Store ir and parameters self.entitytype = ir["entitytype"] self.integral_type = ir["integral_type"] self.language = language self.symbols = symbols self.parameters = parameters # === Rules for all modified terminal types ===
[docs] def expr(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points):
error("Missing handler for type {0}.".format(e._ufl_class_.__name__)) # === Rules for literal constants ===
[docs] def zero(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): # We shouldn't have derivatives of constants left at this point assert not (mt.global_derivatives or mt.local_derivatives) # NB! UFL doesn't retain float/int type information for zeros... L = self.language
return L.LiteralFloat(0.0)
[docs] def int_value(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): # We shouldn't have derivatives of constants left at this point assert not (mt.global_derivatives or mt.local_derivatives) L = self.language
return L.LiteralInt(int(e))
[docs] def float_value(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): # We shouldn't have derivatives of constants left at this point assert not (mt.global_derivatives or mt.local_derivatives) L = self.language
return L.LiteralFloat(float(e)) #def quadrature_weight(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): # "Quadrature weights are precomputed and need no code." # return []
[docs] def coefficient(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): ttype = tabledata.ttype assert ttype != "zeros" begin, end = tabledata.dofrange if ttype == "ones" and (end - begin) == 1: # f = 1.0 * f_{begin}, just return direct reference to dof array at dof begin # (if mt is restricted, begin contains cell offset) idof = begin return self.symbols.coefficient_dof_access(mt.terminal, idof) elif ttype == "quadrature": # Dofmap should be contiguous in this case assert len(tabledata.dofmap) == end - begin # f(x_q) = sum_i f_i * delta_iq = f_q, just return direct # reference to dof array at quadrature point index + begin iq = self.symbols.quadrature_loop_index() idof = begin + iq return self.symbols.coefficient_dof_access(mt.terminal, idof) else: # Return symbol, see definitions for computation
return self.symbols.coefficient_value(mt) #, num_points)
[docs] def spatial_coordinate(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): #L = self.language if mt.global_derivatives: error("Not expecting global derivatives of SpatialCoordinate.") if mt.averaged: error("Not expecting average of SpatialCoordinates.") if self.integral_type in custom_integral_types: if mt.local_derivatives: error("FIXME: Jacobian in custom integrals is not implemented.") # Access predefined quadrature points table x = self.symbols.custom_points_table() iq = self.symbols.quadrature_loop_index() gdim, = mt.terminal.ufl_shape if gdim == 1: index = iq else: index = iq * gdim + mt.flat_component return x[index] else: # Physical coordinates are computed by code generated in definitions
return self.symbols.x_component(mt)
[docs] def cell_coordinate(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): #L = self.language if mt.global_derivatives: error("Not expecting derivatives of CellCoordinate.") if mt.local_derivatives: error("Not expecting derivatives of CellCoordinate.") if mt.averaged: error("Not expecting average of CellCoordinate.") if self.integral_type == "cell" and not mt.restriction: # Access predefined quadrature points table X = self.symbols.points_table(num_points) tdim, = mt.terminal.ufl_shape iq = self.symbols.quadrature_loop_index() if num_points == 1: index = mt.flat_component elif tdim == 1: index = iq else: index = iq * tdim + mt.flat_component return X[index] else: # X should be computed from x or Xf symbolically instead of getting here
error("Expecting reference cell coordinate to be symbolically rewritten.")
[docs] def facet_coordinate(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): L = self.language if mt.global_derivatives: error("Not expecting derivatives of FacetCoordinate.") if mt.local_derivatives: error("Not expecting derivatives of FacetCoordinate.") if mt.averaged: error("Not expecting average of FacetCoordinate.") if mt.restriction: error("Not expecting restriction of FacetCoordinate.") if self.integral_type in ("interior_facet", "exterior_facet"): tdim, = mt.terminal.ufl_shape if tdim == 0: error("Vertices have no facet coordinates.") elif tdim == 1: # 0D vertex coordinate warning("Vertex coordinate is always 0, should get rid of this in ufl geometry lowering.") return L.LiteralFloat(0.0) Xf = self.points_table(num_points) iq = self.symbols.quadrature_loop_index() assert 0 <= mt.flat_component < (tdim-1) if num_points == 1: index = mt.flat_component elif tdim == 2: index = iq else: index = iq * (tdim - 1) + mt.flat_component return Xf[index] else: # Xf should be computed from X or x symbolically instead of getting here
error("Expecting reference facet coordinate to be symbolically rewritten.")
[docs] def jacobian(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): L = self.language if mt.global_derivatives: error("Not expecting global derivatives of Jacobian.") if mt.averaged: error("Not expecting average of Jacobian.")
return self.symbols.J_component(mt)
[docs] def reference_cell_volume(self, e, mt, tabledata, access): L = self.language cellname = mt.terminal.ufl_domain().ufl_cell().cellname() if cellname in ("interval", "triangle", "tetrahedron", "quadrilateral", "hexahedron"): return L.Symbol("{0}_reference_cell_volume".format(cellname)) else:
error("Unhandled cell types {0}.".format(cellname))
[docs] def reference_facet_volume(self, e, mt, tabledata, access): L = self.language cellname = mt.terminal.ufl_domain().ufl_cell().cellname() if cellname in ("interval", "triangle", "tetrahedron", "quadrilateral", "hexahedron"): return L.Symbol("{0}_reference_facet_volume".format(cellname)) else:
error("Unhandled cell types {0}.".format(cellname))
[docs] def reference_normal(self, e, mt, tabledata, access): L = self.language cellname = mt.terminal.ufl_domain().ufl_cell().cellname() if cellname in ("interval", "triangle", "tetrahedron", "quadrilateral", "hexahedron"): table = L.Symbol("{0}_reference_facet_normals".format(cellname)) facet = self.symbols.entity("facet", mt.restriction) return table[facet][mt.component[0]] else:
error("Unhandled cell types {0}.".format(cellname))
[docs] def cell_facet_jacobian(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): L = self.language cellname = mt.terminal.ufl_domain().ufl_cell().cellname() if cellname in ("triangle", "tetrahedron", "quadrilateral", "hexahedron"): table = L.Symbol("{0}_reference_facet_jacobian".format(cellname)) facet = self.symbols.entity("facet", mt.restriction) return table[facet][mt.component[0]][mt.component[1]] elif cellname == "interval": error("The reference facet jacobian doesn't make sense for interval cell.") else:
error("Unhandled cell types {0}.".format(cellname))
[docs] def reference_cell_edge_vectors(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): L = self.language cellname = mt.terminal.ufl_domain().ufl_cell().cellname() if cellname in ("triangle", "tetrahedron", "quadrilateral", "hexahedron"): table = L.Symbol("{0}_reference_edge_vectors".format(cellname)) return table[mt.component[0]][mt.component[1]] elif cellname == "interval": error("The reference cell edge vectors doesn't make sense for interval cell.") else:
error("Unhandled cell types {0}.".format(cellname))
[docs] def reference_facet_edge_vectors(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): L = self.language cellname = mt.terminal.ufl_domain().ufl_cell().cellname() if cellname in ("tetrahedron", "hexahedron"): table = L.Symbol("{0}_reference_edge_vectors".format(cellname)) facet = self.symbols.entity("facet", mt.restriction) return table[facet][mt.component[0]][mt.component[1]] elif cellname in ("interval", "triangle", "quadrilateral"): error("The reference cell facet edge vectors doesn't make sense for interval or triangle cell.") else:
error("Unhandled cell types {0}.".format(cellname))
[docs] def cell_orientation(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): # Error if not in manifold case: domain = mt.terminal.ufl_domain() assert domain.geometric_dimension() > domain.topological_dimension()
return self.symbols.cell_orientation_internal(mt.restriction)
[docs] def facet_orientation(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): L = self.language cellname = mt.terminal.ufl_domain().ufl_cell().cellname() if cellname not in ("interval", "triangle", "tetrahedron"): error("Unhandled cell types {0}.".format(cellname)) table = L.Symbol("{0}_facet_orientations".format(cellname)) facet = self.symbols.entity("facet", mt.restriction)
return table[facet]
[docs] def cell_vertices(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): L = self.language # Get properties of domain domain = mt.terminal.ufl_domain() gdim = domain.geometric_dimension() coordinate_element = domain.ufl_coordinate_element() # Get dimension and dofmap of scalar element assert isinstance(coordinate_element, MixedElement) assert coordinate_element.value_shape() == (gdim,) ufl_scalar_element, = set(coordinate_element.sub_elements()) assert in ("Lagrange", "Q", "S") fiat_scalar_element = create_element(ufl_scalar_element) vertex_scalar_dofs = fiat_scalar_element.entity_dofs()[0] num_scalar_dofs = fiat_scalar_element.space_dimension() # Get dof and component dof, = vertex_scalar_dofs[mt.component[0]] component = mt.component[1] expr = self.symbols.domain_dof_access(dof, component, gdim, num_scalar_dofs, mt.restriction)
return expr
[docs] def cell_edge_vectors(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): L = self.language # Get properties of domain domain = mt.terminal.ufl_domain() cellname = domain.ufl_cell().cellname() gdim = domain.geometric_dimension() coordinate_element = domain.ufl_coordinate_element() if cellname in ("triangle", "tetrahedron", "quadrilateral", "hexahedron"): pass elif cellname == "interval": error("The physical cell edge vectors doesn't make sense for interval cell.") else: error("Unhandled cell types {0}.".format(cellname)) # Get dimension and dofmap of scalar element assert isinstance(coordinate_element, MixedElement) assert coordinate_element.value_shape() == (gdim,) ufl_scalar_element, = set(coordinate_element.sub_elements()) assert in ("Lagrange", "Q", "S") fiat_scalar_element = create_element(ufl_scalar_element) vertex_scalar_dofs = fiat_scalar_element.entity_dofs()[0] num_scalar_dofs = fiat_scalar_element.space_dimension() # Get edge vertices edge = mt.component[0] edge_vertices = fiat_scalar_element.get_reference_element().get_topology()[1][edge] vertex0, vertex1 = edge_vertices # Get dofs and component dof0, = vertex_scalar_dofs[vertex0] dof1, = vertex_scalar_dofs[vertex1] component = mt.component[1] expr = ( self.symbols.domain_dof_access(dof0, component, gdim, num_scalar_dofs, mt.restriction) - self.symbols.domain_dof_access(dof1, component, gdim, num_scalar_dofs, mt.restriction) )
return expr
[docs] def facet_edge_vectors(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): L = self.language # Get properties of domain domain = mt.terminal.ufl_domain() cellname = domain.ufl_cell().cellname() gdim = domain.geometric_dimension() coordinate_element = domain.ufl_coordinate_element() if cellname in ("tetrahedron", "hexahedron"): pass elif cellname in ("interval", "triangle", "quadrilateral"): error("The physical facet edge vectors doesn't make sense for {0} cell.".format(cellname)) else: error("Unhandled cell types {0}.".format(cellname)) # Get dimension and dofmap of scalar element assert isinstance(coordinate_element, MixedElement) assert coordinate_element.value_shape() == (gdim,) ufl_scalar_element, = set(coordinate_element.sub_elements()) assert in ("Lagrange", "Q", "S") fiat_scalar_element = create_element(ufl_scalar_element) vertex_scalar_dofs = fiat_scalar_element.entity_dofs()[0] num_scalar_dofs = fiat_scalar_element.space_dimension() # Get edge vertices facet = self.symbols.entity("facet", mt.restriction) facet_edge = mt.component[0] facet_edge_vertices = L.Symbol("{0}_facet_edge_vertices".format(cellname)) vertex0 = facet_edge_vertices[facet][facet_edge][0] vertex1 = facet_edge_vertices[facet][facet_edge][1] # Get dofs and component component = mt.component[1] assert == 1, "Assuming degree 1 element" dof0 = vertex0 dof1 = vertex1 expr = ( self.symbols.domain_dof_access(dof0, component, gdim, num_scalar_dofs, mt.restriction) - self.symbols.domain_dof_access(dof1, component, gdim, num_scalar_dofs, mt.restriction) )
return expr def _expect_symbolic_lowering(self, e, mt, tabledata, num_points): error("Expecting {0} to be replaced in symbolic preprocessing.".format(type(e))) facet_normal = _expect_symbolic_lowering cell_normal = _expect_symbolic_lowering jacobian_inverse = _expect_symbolic_lowering jacobian_determinant = _expect_symbolic_lowering facet_jacobian = _expect_symbolic_lowering facet_jacobian_inverse = _expect_symbolic_lowering
facet_jacobian_determinant = _expect_symbolic_lowering