Source code for ffc.uflacs.analysis.factorization

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFLACS.
# UFLACS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# UFLACS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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"""Algorithms for factorizing argument dependent monomials."""

import numpy
from itertools import chain

from ufl import as_ufl, conditional
from ufl.classes import Argument
from ufl.classes import Division
from ufl.classes import Product
from ufl.classes import Sum
from ufl.classes import Conditional
from ufl.classes import Zero
from ufl.algorithms import extract_type

from ffc.log import error

from ffc.uflacs.analysis.dependencies import compute_dependencies
from ffc.uflacs.analysis.modified_terminals import analyse_modified_terminal, strip_modified_terminal

def _build_arg_sets(V):
    "Build arg_sets = { argument number: set(j for j where V[j] is a modified Argument with this number) }"
    arg_sets = {}
    for i, v in enumerate(V):
        arg = strip_modified_terminal(v)
        if not isinstance(arg, Argument):
        num = arg.number()
        arg_set = arg_sets.get(num)
        if arg_set is None:
            arg_set = {}
            arg_sets[num] = arg_set
        arg_set[i] = v
    return arg_sets

def _build_argument_indices_from_arg_sets(V, arg_sets):
    "Build ordered list of indices to modified arguments."
    # Build set of all indices of V referring to modified arguments
    arg_indices = set()
    for js in arg_sets.values():

    # Make a canonical ordering of vertex indices for modified arguments
    def arg_ordering_key(i):
        "Return a key for sorting argument vertex indices based on the properties of the modified terminal."
        mt = analyse_modified_terminal(arg_ordering_key.V[i])
        return mt.argument_ordering_key()
    arg_ordering_key.V = V
    ordered_arg_indices = sorted(arg_indices, key=arg_ordering_key)

    return ordered_arg_indices

[docs]def build_argument_indices(V): "Build ordered list of indices to modified arguments." arg_sets = _build_arg_sets(V) ordered_arg_indices = _build_argument_indices_from_arg_sets(V, arg_sets)
return ordered_arg_indices
[docs]def build_argument_dependencies(dependencies, arg_indices): "Preliminary algorithm: build list of argument vertex indices each vertex (indirectly) depends on." n = len(dependencies) A = numpy.empty(n, dtype=object) for i, deps in enumerate(dependencies): argdeps = [] for j in deps: if j in arg_indices: argdeps.append(j) else: argdeps.extend(A[j]) A[i] = sorted(argdeps)
return A
[docs]class Factors(object): # TODO: Refactor code in this file by using a class like this def __init__(self): self.FV = [] self.e2fi = {}
[docs] def add(self, expr):
add_to_fv(expr, self.FV, self.e2fi)
[docs]def add_to_fv(expr, FV, e2fi): "Add expression expr to factor vector FV and expr->FVindex mapping e2fi." fi = e2fi.get(expr) if fi is None: fi = len(e2fi) FV.append(expr) e2fi[expr] = fi
return fi # Reuse these empty objects where appropriate to save memory noargs = {}
[docs]def handle_sum(v, si, deps, SV_factors, FV, sv2fv, e2fi): if len(deps) != 2: error("Assuming binary sum here. This can be fixed if needed.") fac0 = SV_factors[deps[0]] fac1 = SV_factors[deps[1]] argkeys = set(fac0) | set(fac1) if argkeys: # f*arg + g*arg = (f+g)*arg argkeys = sorted(argkeys) keylen = len(argkeys[0]) factors = {} for argkey in argkeys: if len(argkey) != keylen: error("Expecting equal argument rank terms among summands.") fi0 = fac0.get(argkey) fi1 = fac1.get(argkey) if fi0 is None: fisum = fi1 elif fi1 is None: fisum = fi0 else: f0 = FV[fi0] f1 = FV[fi1] fisum = add_to_fv(f0 + f1, FV, e2fi) factors[argkey] = fisum else: # non-arg + non-arg factors = noargs sv2fv[si] = add_to_fv(v, FV, e2fi)
return factors
[docs]def handle_product(v, si, deps, SV_factors, FV, sv2fv, e2fi): if len(deps) != 2: error("Assuming binary product here. This can be fixed if needed.") fac0 = SV_factors[deps[0]] fac1 = SV_factors[deps[1]] if not fac0 and not fac1: # non-arg * non-arg # Record non-argument product factors = noargs f0 = FV[sv2fv[deps[0]]] f1 = FV[sv2fv[deps[1]]] assert f1 * f0 == v sv2fv[si] = add_to_fv(v, FV, e2fi) assert FV[sv2fv[si]] == v elif not fac0: # non-arg * arg # Record products of non-arg operand with each factor of arg-dependent operand f0 = FV[sv2fv[deps[0]]] factors = {} for k1 in sorted(fac1): fi1 = fac1[k1] factors[k1] = add_to_fv(f0 * FV[fi1], FV, e2fi) elif not fac1: # arg * non-arg # Record products of non-arg operand with each factor of arg-dependent operand f1 = FV[sv2fv[deps[1]]] factors = {} for k0 in sorted(fac0): f0 = FV[fac0[k0]] factors[k0] = add_to_fv(f1 * f0, FV, e2fi) else: # arg * arg # Record products of each factor of arg-dependent operand factors = {} for k0 in sorted(fac0): f0 = FV[fac0[k0]] for k1 in sorted(fac1): f1 = FV[fac1[k1]] argkey = tuple(sorted(k0 + k1)) # sort key for canonical representation factors[argkey] = add_to_fv(f0 * f1, FV, e2fi)
return factors
[docs]def handle_division(v, si, deps, SV_factors, FV, sv2fv, e2fi): fac0 = SV_factors[deps[0]] fac1 = SV_factors[deps[1]] assert not fac1, "Cannot divide by arguments." if fac0: # arg / non-arg # Record products of non-arg operand with each factor of arg-dependent operand f1 = FV[sv2fv[deps[1]]] factors = {} for k0 in sorted(fac0): f0 = FV[fac0[k0]] factors[k0] = add_to_fv(f0 / f1, FV, e2fi) else: # non-arg / non-arg # Record non-argument subexpression factors = noargs sv2fv[si] = add_to_fv(v, FV, e2fi)
return factors
[docs]def handle_conditional(v, si, deps, SV_factors, FV, sv2fv, e2fi): fac0 = SV_factors[deps[0]] fac1 = SV_factors[deps[1]] fac2 = SV_factors[deps[2]] assert not fac0, "Cannot have argument in condition." if not (fac1 or fac2): # non-arg ? non-arg : non-arg # Record non-argument subexpression sv2fv[si] = add_to_fv(v, FV, e2fi) factors = noargs else: f0 = FV[sv2fv[deps[0]]] f1 = FV[sv2fv[deps[1]]] f2 = FV[sv2fv[deps[2]]] # Term conditional(c, argument, non-argument) is not legal unless non-argument is 0.0 assert fac1 or isinstance(f1, Zero) assert fac2 or isinstance(f2, Zero) assert () not in fac1 assert () not in fac2 z = as_ufl(0.0) # In general, can decompose like this: # conditional(c, sum_i fi*ui, sum_j fj*uj) -> sum_i conditional(c, fi, 0)*ui + sum_j conditional(c, 0, fj)*uj mas = sorted(set(fac1.keys()) | set(fac2.keys())) factors = {} for k in mas: fi1 = fac1.get(k) fi2 = fac2.get(k) f1 = z if fi1 is None else FV[fi1] f2 = z if fi2 is None else FV[fi2] factors[k] = add_to_fv(conditional(f0, f1, f2), FV, e2fi)
return factors
[docs]def handle_operator(v, si, deps, SV_factors, FV, sv2fv, e2fi): # Error checking if any(SV_factors[d] for d in deps): error("Assuming that a {0} cannot be applied to arguments. If this is wrong please report a bug.".format(type(v))) # Record non-argument subexpression sv2fv[si] = add_to_fv(v, FV, e2fi) factors = noargs
return factors
[docs]def compute_argument_factorization(SV, SV_deps, SV_targets, rank): """Factorizes a scalar expression graph w.r.t. scalar Argument components. The result is a triplet (AV, FV, IM): - The scalar argument component subgraph: AV[ai] = v with the property SV[arg_indices] == AV[:] - An expression graph vertex list with all non-argument factors: FV[fi] = f with the property that none of the expressions depend on Arguments. - A dict representation of the final integrand of rank r: IM = { (ai1_1, ..., ai1_r): fi1, (ai2_1, ..., ai2_r): fi2, } This mapping represents the factorization of SV[-1] w.r.t. Arguments s.t.: SV[-1] := sum(FV[fik] * product(AV[ai] for ai in aik) for aik, fik in IM.items()) where := means equivalence in the mathematical sense, of course in a different technical representation. """ # Extract argument component subgraph arg_indices = build_argument_indices(SV) #A = build_argument_dependencies(SV_deps, arg_indices) AV = [SV[si] for si in arg_indices] #av2sv = arg_indices sv2av = { si: ai for ai, si in enumerate(arg_indices) } assert all(AV[ai] == SV[si] for ai, si in enumerate(arg_indices)) assert all(AV[ai] == SV[si] for si, ai in sv2av.items()) # Data structure for building non-argument factors FV = [] e2fi = {} # Adding 0.0 as an expression to fix issue in conditional zero_index = add_to_fv(as_ufl(0.0), FV, e2fi) # Adding 1.0 as an expression allows avoiding special representation # of arguments when first visited by representing "v" as "1*v" one_index = add_to_fv(as_ufl(1.0), FV, e2fi) # Adding 2 as an expression fixes an issue with FV entries that change K*K -> K**2 two_index = add_to_fv(as_ufl(2), FV, e2fi) # Intermediate factorization for each vertex in SV on the format # SV_factors[si] = None # if SV[si] does not depend on arguments # SV_factors[si] = { argkey: fi } # if SV[si] does depend on arguments, where: # FV[fi] is the expression SV[si] with arguments factored out # argkey is a tuple with indices into SV for each of the argument components SV[si] depends on # SV_factors[si] = { argkey1: fi1, argkey2: fi2, ... } # if SV[si] is a linear combination of multiple argkey configurations SV_factors = numpy.empty(len(SV), dtype=object) si2fi = numpy.zeros(len(SV), dtype=int) # Factorize each subexpression in order: for si, v in enumerate(SV): deps = SV_deps[si] # These handlers insert values in si2fi and SV_factors if not len(deps): if si in arg_indices: # v is a modified Argument factors = { (si,): one_index } else: # v is a modified non-Argument terminal si2fi[si] = add_to_fv(v, FV, e2fi) factors = noargs else: # These quantities could be better input args to handlers: #facs = [SV_factors[d] for d in deps] #fs = [FV[sv2fv[d]] for d in deps] if isinstance(v, Sum): handler = handle_sum elif isinstance(v, Product): handler = handle_product elif isinstance(v, Division): handler = handle_division elif isinstance(v, Conditional): handler = handle_conditional else: # All other operators handler = handle_operator factors = handler(v, si, deps, SV_factors, FV, si2fi, e2fi) SV_factors[si] = factors assert not noargs, "This dict was not supposed to be filled with anything!" # Throw away superfluous items in array # FV = FV[:len(e2fi)] assert len(FV) == len(e2fi) # Get the factorizations of the target values IMs = [] for si in SV_targets: if SV_factors[si] == {}: if rank == 0: # Functionals and expressions: store as no args * factor factors = { (): si2fi[si] } else: # Zero form of arity 1 or higher: make factors empty factors = {} else: # Forms of arity 1 or higher: # Map argkeys from indices into SV to indices into AV, # and resort keys for canonical representation factors = { tuple(sorted(sv2av[si] for si in argkey)): fi for argkey, fi in SV_factors[si].items() } # Expecting all term keys to have length == rank # (this assumption will eventually have to change if we # implement joint bilinear+linear form factorization here) assert all(len(k) == rank for k in factors) IMs.append(factors) # Recompute dependencies in FV FV_deps = compute_dependencies(e2fi, FV) # Indices into FV that are needed for final result FV_targets = list(chain(sorted(IM.values()) for IM in IMs))
return IMs, AV, FV, FV_deps, FV_targets
[docs]def rebuild_scalar_graph_from_factorization(AV, FV, IM): # TODO: What about multiple target_variables? # Build initial graph SV = [] SV.extend(AV) SV.extend(FV) se2i = dict((s, i) for i, s in enumerate(SV)) def add_vertex(h): # Avoid adding vertices twice i = se2i.get(h) if i is None: se2i[h] = len(SV) SV.append(h) # Add factorization monomials argkeys = sorted(IM.keys()) fs = [] for argkey in argkeys: # Start with coefficients f = FV[IM[argkey]] # f = 1 # Add binary products with each argument in order for argindex in argkey: f = f * AV[argindex] add_vertex(f) # Add product with coefficients last # f = f*FV[IM[argkey]] # add_vertex(f) # f is now the full monomial, store it as a term for sum below fs.append(f) # Add sum of factorization monomials g = 0 for f in fs: g = g + f add_vertex(g) # Rebuild dependencies dependencies = compute_dependencies(se2i, SV)
return SV, se2i, dependencies