Source code for ffc.parameters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Anders Logg
# This file is part of FFC.
# FFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# FFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with FFC. If not, see <>.

import os
import copy
from ffc.log import INFO

# Comments from other places in code:
# FIXME: Document option -fconvert_exceptions_to_warnings

# NB! Parameters in the generate and build sets are
# included in jit signature, cache and log are not.
    "format": "ufc",           # code generation format
    "representation": "auto",  # form representation / code
                               # generation strategy
    "quadrature_rule": None,   # quadrature rule used for
                               # integration of element tensors
                               # (None is auto)
    "quadrature_degree": None, # quadrature degree used for
                               # computing integrals
                               # (None is auto)
    "precision": None,         # precision used when writing
                               # numbers (None for max precision)
    "epsilon": 1e-14,          # machine precision, used for
                               # dropping zero terms in tables
    "split": False,            # split generated code into .h and
                               # .cpp file
    "form_postfix": True,      # postfix form name with "Function",
                               # "LinearForm" or BilinearForm
    "convert_exceptions_to_warnings": False,   # convert all exceptions to warning
                                               # in generated code
    "error_control": False,   # with error control
    "optimize": True,         # turn on optimization for code generation
    "max_signature_length": 0,  # set to positive integer to shorten signatures
    "generate_dummy_tabulate_tensor": False,  # set to True to replace tabulate_tensor body with no-op
    "add_tabulate_tensor_timing": False,      # set to True to add timing inside tabulate_tensor
    "external_includes": "",    # ':' separated list of include filenames to add to generated code
    "cpp_optimize": True,          # optimization for the C++ compiler
    "cpp_optimize_flags": "-O2",   # optimization flags for the C++ compiler
    "external_libraries": "",      # ':' separated list of libraries to link JIT compiled libraries with
    "external_library_dirs": "",   # ':' separated list of library search dirs to add when JIT compiling
    "external_include_dirs": "",   # ':' separated list of include dirs to add when JIT compiling
    "cache_dir": "",        # cache dir used by Instant
    "output_dir": ".",      # output directory for generated code
    "log_level": INFO + 5,  # log level, displaying only
                            # messages with level >= log_level
    "log_prefix": "",       # log prefix

[docs]def split_parameters(parameters): """Split a parameters dict into groups based on what parameters are used for. """ params = { "cache": {k: parameters[k] for k in _FFC_CACHE_PARAMETERS.keys()}, "build": {k: parameters[k] for k in _FFC_BUILD_PARAMETERS.keys()}, "generate": {k: parameters[k] for k in _FFC_GENERATE_PARAMETERS.keys()}, "log": {k: parameters[k] for k in _FFC_LOG_PARAMETERS.keys()}, }
return params
[docs]def default_parameters(): "Return (a copy of) the default parameter values for FFC." parameters = copy.deepcopy(FFC_PARAMETERS) # HACK r = os.environ.get("FFC_FORCE_REPRESENTATION") if r: parameters["representation"] = r
return parameters
[docs]def default_jit_parameters(): parameters = default_parameters() # TODO: This is not in the above parameters dict. # There are other parameters like this. # This is confusing, which parameters are available? What are the defaults? # Skip evaluation of basis derivatives in elements by default because it's costly # FIXME: Make this False when we have elements generated once instead of for each form parameters["no-evaluate_basis_derivatives"] = True # Don't postfix form names parameters["form_postfix"] = False
return parameters
[docs]def validate_parameters(parameters): "Initial check of parameters." p = default_parameters() if parameters is not None: p.update(parameters) _validate_parameters(p)
return p
[docs]def validate_jit_parameters(parameters): "Check parameters and add any missing parameters" p = default_jit_parameters() if parameters is not None: p.update(parameters) _validate_parameters(p)
return p def _validate_parameters(parameters): """Does some casting of parameter values in place on the provided dictionary""" # Cast int optimize flag to bool if isinstance(parameters["optimize"], int): parameters["optimize"] = bool(parameters["optimize"]) # Convert all legal default values to None if parameters["quadrature_rule"] in ["auto", None, "None"]: parameters["quadrature_rule"] = None # Convert all legal default values to None and # cast nondefaults from str to int if parameters["quadrature_degree"] in ["auto", -1, None, "None"]: parameters["quadrature_degree"] = None else: try: parameters["quadrature_degree"] = int(parameters["quadrature_degree"]) except Exception: error("Failed to convert quadrature degree '%s' to int" % parameters.get("quadrature_degree")) # Convert all legal default values to None and # cast nondefaults from str to int if parameters["precision"] in ["auto", None, "None"]: parameters["precision"] = None else: try: parameters["precision"] = int(parameters["precision"]) except Exception: error("Failed to convert precision '%s' to int" % parameters.get("precision"))
[docs]def compilation_relevant_parameters(parameters): p = parameters.copy() for k in _FFC_LOG_PARAMETERS: del p[k] for k in _FFC_CACHE_PARAMETERS: del p[k] # This doesn't work because some parameters may not be among the defaults above. # That is somewhat confusing but we'll just have to live with it at least for now. # sp = split_parameters(parameters) # p = {} # p.update(sp["generate"]) # p.update(sp["build"])
return p
[docs]def compute_jit_parameters_signature(parameters): "Return parameters signature (some parameters must be ignored)." from ufl.utils.sorting import canonicalize_metadata parameters = compilation_relevant_parameters(parameters)
return str(canonicalize_metadata(parameters))