Source code for ffc.jitcompiler

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module provides a just-in-time (JIT) form compiler.
It uses dijitso to wrap the generated code into a Python module."""

# Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Anders Logg
# This file is part of FFC.
# FFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# FFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with FFC. If not, see <>.
# Modified by Johan Hake, 2008-2009
# Modified by Ilmar Wilbers, 2008
# Modified by Kristian B. Oelgaard, 2009
# Modified by Joachim Haga, 2011.
# Modified by Martin Sandve Alnæs, 2013-2017

# Python modules
import os
import sys
from hashlib import sha1

# FEniCS modules
import ufl

# Not importing globally to keep dijitso optional if jit is not used
#import dijitso

# FFC modules
from ffc.log import log
from ffc.log import error
from ffc.log import set_level
from ffc.log import set_prefix
from ffc.log import INFO
from ffc.parameters import validate_jit_parameters, compute_jit_parameters_signature
from ffc.compiler import compile_form, compile_element, compile_coordinate_mapping
from ffc.backends.ufc import get_include_path as get_ufc_include_path
from ffc.backends.ufc import get_ufc_signature, get_ufc_templates_signature
from ffc import __version__ as FFC_VERSION
from ffc.classname import make_classname

[docs]def jit_generate(ufl_object, module_name, signature, parameters): "Callback function passed to dijitso.jit: generate code and return as strings." log(INFO + 5, "Calling FFC just-in-time (JIT) compiler, this may take some time.") # Generate actual code for this object if isinstance(ufl_object, ufl.Form): compile_object = compile_form elif isinstance(ufl_object, ufl.FiniteElementBase): compile_object = compile_element elif isinstance(ufl_object, ufl.Mesh): compile_object = compile_coordinate_mapping code_h, code_c, dependent_ufl_objects = compile_object(ufl_object, prefix=module_name, parameters=parameters, jit=True) # Jit compile dependent objects separately, # but pass indirect=True to skip instantiating objects. # (this is done in here such that it's only triggered # if parent jit module is missing, and it's done after # compile_object because some misformed ufl objects may # require analysis to determine (looking at you Expression...)) dependencies = [] for dep in dependent_ufl_objects["element"]: dep_module_name = jit(dep, parameters, indirect=True) dependencies.append(dep_module_name) for dep in dependent_ufl_objects["coordinate_mapping"]: dep_module_name = jit(dep, parameters, indirect=True) dependencies.append(dep_module_name)
return code_h, code_c, dependencies def _string_tuple(param): "Split a : separated string or convert a list to a tuple." if isinstance(param, (tuple, list)): pass elif isinstance(param, str): param = param.split(":") else: param = () param = tuple(p for p in param if p) assert all(isinstance(p, str) for p in param) return param
[docs]def jit_build(ufl_object, module_name, parameters): "Wraps dijitso jit with some parameter conversion etc." import dijitso # FIXME: Expose more dijitso parameters? # FIXME: dijitso build params are not part of module_name here. # Currently dijitso doesn't add to the module signature. # Translating the C++ flags from ffc parameters to dijitso # to get equivalent behaviour to instant code build_params = {} build_params["debug"] = not parameters["cpp_optimize"] build_params["cxxflags_opt"] = tuple(parameters["cpp_optimize_flags"].split()) build_params["cxxflags_debug"] = ("-O0",) build_params["include_dirs"] = (get_ufc_include_path(),) + _string_tuple(parameters.get("external_include_dirs")) build_params["lib_dirs"] = _string_tuple(parameters.get("external_library_dirs")) build_params["libs"] = _string_tuple(parameters.get("external_libraries")) # Interpreting FFC default "" as None, use "." if you want to point to curdir cache_dir = parameters.get("cache_dir") or None if cache_dir: cache_params = {"cache_dir": cache_dir} else: cache_params = {} # This will do some rudimenrary checking of the params and fill in dijitso defaults params = dijitso.validate_params({ "cache": cache_params, "build": build_params, "generator": parameters, # ffc parameters, just passed on to jit_generate }) # Carry out jit compilation, calling jit_generate only if needed module, signature = dijitso.jit(jitable=ufl_object, name=module_name, params=params, generate=jit_generate)
return module
[docs]def compute_jit_prefix(ufl_object, parameters, kind=None): "Compute the prefix (module name) for jit modules." # Get signature from ufl object if isinstance(ufl_object, ufl.Form): kind = "form" object_signature = ufl_object.signature() elif isinstance(ufl_object, ufl.Mesh): # When coordinate mapping is represented by a Mesh, just getting its coordinate element kind = "coordinate_mapping" ufl_object = ufl_object.ufl_coordinate_element() object_signature = repr(ufl_object) # ** must match below elif kind == "coordinate_mapping" and isinstance(ufl_object, ufl.FiniteElementBase): # When coordinate mapping is represented by its coordinate element object_signature = repr(ufl_object) # ** must match above elif isinstance(ufl_object, ufl.FiniteElementBase): kind = "element" object_signature = repr(ufl_object) else: error("Unknown ufl object type %s" % (ufl_object.__class__.__name__,)) # Compute deterministic string of relevant parameters parameters_signature = compute_jit_parameters_signature(parameters) # Increase this number at any time to invalidate cache # signatures if code generation has changed in important # ways without the change being visible in regular signatures: jit_version_bump = 3 # Build combined signature signatures = [ object_signature, parameters_signature, str(FFC_VERSION), str(jit_version_bump), get_ufc_signature(), get_ufc_templates_signature(), kind, ] string = ";".join(signatures) signature = sha1(string.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() # Optionally shorten signature max_signature_length = parameters["max_signature_length"] if max_signature_length: signature = signature[:max_signature_length] # Combine into prefix with some info including kind prefix = ("ffc_%s_%s" % (kind, signature)).lower()
return kind, prefix
[docs]class FFCError(Exception):
[docs]class FFCJitError(FFCError):
[docs]def jit(ufl_object, parameters=None, indirect=False): """Just-in-time compile the given form or element Parameters: ufl_object : The UFL object to be compiled parameters : A set of parameters """ # Check parameters parameters = validate_jit_parameters(parameters) # FIXME: Setting the log level here becomes a permanent side effect... # Set log level set_level(parameters["log_level"]) set_prefix(parameters["log_prefix"]) # Make unique module name for generated code kind, module_name = compute_jit_prefix(ufl_object, parameters) # Inspect cache and generate+build if necessary module = jit_build(ufl_object, module_name, parameters) # Raise exception on failure to build or import module if module is None: # TODO: To communicate directory name here, need dijitso params to call #fail_dir = dijitso.cache.create_fail_dir_path(signature, dijitso_cache_params) raise FFCJitError("A directory with files to reproduce the jit build failure has been created.") # Construct instance of object from compiled code unless indirect if indirect: return module_name else: # FIXME: Streamline number of return arguments here across kinds if kind == "form": if parameters.get("representation") == "quadrature" or \ any(itg.metadata().get("representation") == "quadrature" for itg in ufl_object.integrals()): from ffc.quadrature.deprecation import issue_deprecation_warning issue_deprecation_warning() compiled_form = _instantiate_form(module, module_name) return (compiled_form, module, module_name) # TODO: module, module_name are never used in dolfin, drop? #return _instantiate_form(module, module_name) elif kind == "element": fe, dm = _instantiate_element_and_dofmap(module, module_name) return fe, dm elif kind == "coordinate_mapping": cm = _instantiate_coordinate_mapping(module, module_name) return cm else:
error("Unknown kind %s" % (kind,)) def _instantiate_form(module, prefix): "Instantiate an object of the jit-compiled form." import dijitso classname = make_classname(prefix, "form", "main") form = dijitso.extract_factory_function(module, "create_" + classname)() return form def _instantiate_element_and_dofmap(module, prefix): "Instantiate objects of the jit-compiled finite_element and dofmap." import dijitso fe_classname = make_classname(prefix, "finite_element", "main") dm_classname = make_classname(prefix, "dofmap", "main") fe = dijitso.extract_factory_function(module, "create_" + fe_classname)() dm = dijitso.extract_factory_function(module, "create_" + dm_classname)() return (fe, dm) def _instantiate_coordinate_mapping(module, prefix): "Instantiate an object of the jit-compiled coordinate_mapping." import dijitso classname = make_classname(prefix, "coordinate_mapping", "main") form = dijitso.extract_factory_function(module, "create_" + classname)() return form