Source code for ffc.errorcontrol.errorcontrol

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provides compilation of forms required for goal-oriented
error control

# Copyright (C) 2010 Marie E. Rognes
# This file is part of FFC.
# FFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# FFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with FFC. If not, see <>.

from ufl.utils.sorting import sorted_by_key
from ufl import Coefficient

from ffc.log import error
from ffc.compiler import compile_form

__all__ = ["compile_with_error_control"]

[docs]def compile_with_error_control(forms, object_names, reserved_objects, prefix, parameters): """ Compile forms and additionally generate and compile forms required for performing goal-oriented error control For linear problems, the input forms should be a bilinear form (a) and a linear form (L) specifying the variational problem and additionally a linear form (M) specifying the goal functional. For nonlinear problems, the input should be linear form (F) and a functional (M) specifying the goal functional. *Arguments* forms (tuple) Three (linear case) or two (nonlinear case) forms specifying the primal problem and the goal object_names (dict) Map from object ids to object names reserved_names (dict) Map from reserved object names to object ids prefix (string) Basename of header file parameters (dict) Parameters for form compilation """ # Check input arguments F, M, u = prepare_input_arguments(forms, object_names, reserved_objects) # Generate forms to be used for the error control from ffc.errorcontrol.errorcontrolgenerators import UFLErrorControlGenerator generator = UFLErrorControlGenerator(F, M, u) ec_forms = generator.generate_all_error_control_forms() # Check that there are no conflicts between user defined and # generated names ec_names = generator.ec_names if set(object_names.values()) & set(ec_names.values()): comment = "%s are reserved error control names." % str(sorted(ec_names.values())) error("Conflict between user defined and generated names: %s" % comment) # Add names generated for error control to object_names for (objid, name) in sorted_by_key(ec_names): object_names[objid] = name # Compile error control and input (pde + goal) forms as normal forms = generator.primal_forms() code_h, code_c = compile_form(ec_forms + forms, object_names, prefix, parameters)
return code_h, code_c def prepare_input_arguments(forms, object_names, reserved_objects): """ Extract required input arguments to UFLErrorControlGenerator. *Arguments* forms (tuple) Three (linear case) or two (nonlinear case) forms specifying the primal problem and the goal object_names (dict) Map from object ids to object names reserved_names (dict) Map from reserved object names to object ids *Returns* tuple (of length 3) containing Form or tuple A single linear form or a tuple of a bilinear and a linear form Form A linear form or a functional for the goal functional Coefficient The coefficient considered as the unknown """ # Check that we get a tuple of forms if not isinstance(forms, (list, tuple)): error("Expecting tuple of forms, got %s" % str(forms)) def __is_nonlinear(forms): return len(forms) == 2 def __is_linear(forms): return len(forms) == 3 # Extract Coefficient labelled as 'unknown' u = reserved_objects.get("unknown", None) if __is_nonlinear(forms): # Check that unknown is defined if u is None: error("Can't extract 'unknown'. The Coefficient representing the unknown must be labelled by 'unknown' for nonlinear problems.") (F, M) = forms # Check that forms have the expected rank assert len(F.arguments()) == 1 assert len(M.arguments()) == 0 # Return primal, goal and unknown return (F, M, u) elif __is_linear(forms): # Throw error if unknown is given, don't quite know what to do # with this case yet if u is not None: error("'unknown' defined: not implemented for linear problems") (a, L, M) = forms # Check that forms have the expected rank arguments = a.arguments() assert len(arguments) == 2 assert len(L.arguments()) == 1 assert len(M.arguments()) == 1 # Standard case: create default Coefficient in trial space and # label it __discrete_primal_solution V = arguments[1].ufl_function_space() u = Coefficient(V) object_names[id(u)] = "__discrete_primal_solution" return ((a, L), M, u) else: error("Wrong input tuple length: got %s, expected 2 or 3-tuple" % str(forms))