Source code for ffc.uflacs.backends.ufc.coordinate_mapping

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFLACS.
# UFLACS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# UFLACS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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from ffc.uflacs.backends.ufc.generator import ufc_generator

### Code generation utilities:

[docs]def generate_compute_ATA(L, ATA, A, m, n, index_prefix=""): "Generate code to declare and compute ATA[i,j] = sum_k A[k,i]*A[k,j] with given A shaped (m,n)." # Loop indices i = L.Symbol(index_prefix + "i") j = L.Symbol(index_prefix + "j") k = L.Symbol(index_prefix + "k") # Build A^T*A matrix code = [ L.ArrayDecl("double", ATA, (n, n), values=0), L.ForRange(i, 0, n, body= L.ForRange(j, 0, n, body= L.ForRange(k, 0, m, body= L.AssignAdd(ATA[i, j], A[k, i] * A[k, j])))), ] return L.StatementList(code)
[docs]def generate_accumulation_loop(dst, expr, indices): body = L.AssignAdd(dst, expr) for index, begin, end in reversed(indices): body = L.ForRange(index, begin, end, body=body) return body
[docs]def cross_expr(a, b): def cr(i, j): return a[i]*b[j] - a[j]*b[i] return [cr(1, 2), cr(2, 0), cr(0, 1)]
[docs]def generate_cross_decl(c, a, b): return L.ArrayDecl("double", c, values=cross_expr(a, b))
### Inline math expressions:
[docs]def det_22(B, i, j, k, l): return B[i, k]*B[j, l] - B[i, l]*B[j, k]
[docs]def codet_nn(A, rows, cols): n = len(rows) if n == 2: return det_22(A, rows[0], rows[1], cols[0], cols[1]) else: r = rows[0] subrows = rows[1:] parts = [] for i, c in enumerate(cols): subcols = cols[i+1:] + cols[:i] parts.append(A[r, c] * codet_nn(A, subrows, subcols)) return sum(parts[1:], parts[0])
[docs]def det_nn(A, n): if n == 1: return A[0, 0] else: ns = list(range(n)) return codet_nn(A, ns, ns)
[docs]def pdet_m1(L, A, m): # Special inlined case 1xm for simpler expression A2 = A[0,0]*A[0,0] for i in range(1, m): A2 = A2 + A[i,0]*A[i,0] return L.Call("sqrt", A2)
[docs]def adj_expr_2x2(A): return [[ A[1, 1], -A[0, 1]], [-A[1, 0], A[0, 0]]]
[docs]def adj_expr_3x3(A): return [[A[2, 2]*A[1, 1] - A[1, 2]*A[2, 1], A[0, 2]*A[2, 1] - A[0, 1]*A[2, 2], A[0, 1]*A[1, 2] - A[0, 2]*A[1, 1]], [A[1, 2]*A[2, 0] - A[2, 2]*A[1, 0], A[2, 2]*A[0, 0] - A[0, 2]*A[2, 0], A[0, 2]*A[1, 0] - A[1, 2]*A[0, 0]], [A[1, 0]*A[2, 1] - A[2, 0]*A[1, 1], A[0, 1]*A[2, 0] - A[0, 0]*A[2, 1], A[0, 0]*A[1, 1] - A[0, 1]*A[1, 0]]]
[docs]def generate_assign_inverse(L, K, J, detJ, gdim, tdim): if gdim == tdim: if gdim == 1: return L.Assign(K[0, 0], L.LiteralFloat(1.0) / J[0, 0]) elif gdim == 2: adj_values = adj_expr_2x2(J) elif gdim == 3: adj_values = adj_expr_3x3(J) else: error("Not implemented.") return L.StatementList([L.Assign(K[j,i], adj_values[j][i] / detJ) for j in range(tdim) for i in range(gdim)]) else: if tdim == 1: # Simpler special case for embedded 1d prods = [J[i,0]*J[i,0] for i in range(gdim)] s = sum(prods[1:], prods[0]) return L.StatementList([L.Assign(K[0,i], J[i,0] / s) for i in range(gdim)]) else: # Generic formulation of Penrose-Moore pseudo-inverse of J: (J.T*J)^-1 * J.T i = L.Symbol("i") j = L.Symbol("j") k = L.Symbol("k") JTJ = L.Symbol("JTJ") JTJf = L.FlattenedArray(JTJ, dims=(tdim, tdim)) detJTJ = detJ*detJ JTJinv = L.Symbol("JTJinv") JTJinvf = L.FlattenedArray(JTJinv, dims=(tdim, tdim)) code = [ L.Comment("Compute J^T J"), L.ArrayDecl("double", JTJ, (tdim*tdim,), values=0), L.ForRange(k, 0, tdim, body= L.ForRange(j, 0, tdim, body= L.ForRange(i, 0, gdim, body= L.AssignAdd(JTJf[k, j], J[i, k] * J[i, j])))), L.Comment("Compute inverse(J^T J)"), L.ArrayDecl("double", JTJinv, (tdim*tdim,)), generate_assign_inverse(L, JTJinvf, JTJf, detJTJ, tdim, tdim), L.Comment("Compute K = inverse(J^T J) * J"), L.ForRange(k, 0, tdim, body= L.ForRange(i, 0, gdim, body= L.Assign(K[k, i], L.LiteralFloat(0.0)))), L.ForRange(k, 0, tdim, body= L.ForRange(i, 0, gdim, body= L.ForRange(j, 0, tdim, body= L.AssignAdd(K[k, i], JTJinvf[k, j] * J[i, j])))), ] return L.StatementList(code)
[docs]class ufc_coordinate_mapping(ufc_generator): def __init__(self): ufc_generator.__init__(self, "coordinate_mapping")
[docs] def cell_shape(self, L, ir): name = ir["cell_shape"] return L.Return(L.Symbol(name))
[docs] def topological_dimension(self, L, ir): "Default implementation of returning topological dimension fetched from ir." value = ir["topological_dimension"] return L.Return(L.LiteralInt(value))
[docs] def geometric_dimension(self, L, ir): "Default implementation of returning geometric dimension fetched from ir." value = ir["geometric_dimension"] return L.Return(L.LiteralInt(value))
[docs] def create_coordinate_finite_element(self, L, ir): classname = ir["create_coordinate_finite_element"] return L.Return(L.New(classname))
[docs] def create_coordinate_dofmap(self, L, ir): classname = ir["create_coordinate_dofmap"] return L.Return(L.New(classname))
[docs] def compute_physical_coordinates(self, L, ir): # FIXME: Implement evaluate_reference_basis num_dofs = ir["num_scalar_coordinate_element_dofs"] scalar_coordinate_element_classname = ir["scalar_coordinate_finite_element_classname"] # Dimensions gdim = ir["geometric_dimension"] tdim = ir["topological_dimension"] num_points = L.Symbol("num_points") # Loop indices ip = L.Symbol("ip") i = L.Symbol("i") j = L.Symbol("j") d = L.Symbol("d") # Input cell data coordinate_dofs = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("coordinate_dofs"), dims=(num_dofs, gdim)) # Output geometry x = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("x"), dims=(num_points, gdim)) # Input geometry X = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("X"), dims=(num_points, tdim)) # Computing table one point at a time instead of using # num_points will allow skipping dynamic allocation one_point = 1 # FIXME: Use correct approach and function name to compute basis values here if 1: # Call static function on element class define_element = [] func = "%s::_evaluate_reference_basis" % (scalar_coordinate_element_classname,) else: # Define scalar finite element instance (stateless, so placing this on the stack is free) define_element = [L.VariableDecl(scalar_coordinate_element_classname, "element")] func = "element.evaluate_reference_basis" # Symbols for local basis values table phi_sym = L.Symbol("phi") phi = L.FlattenedArray(phi_sym, dims=(num_dofs,)) # FIXME: Match evaluate_reference_basis array layout # Arguments to evaluate_reference_basis args = (phi_sym, one_point, L.AddressOf(X[ip, 0])) # FIXME: Match evaluate_reference_basis signature # For each point, compute basis values and accumulate into the right x code = L.StatementList(define_element + [ L.ArrayDecl("double", phi_sym, (one_point*num_dofs,)), L.ForRange(ip, 0, num_points, body=L.StatementList([ L.Comment("Compute basis values of coordinate element"), L.Call(func, args), L.Comment("Compute x"), L.ForRange(i, 0, gdim, body= L.ForRange(d, 0, num_dofs, body= L.AssignAdd(x[ip, i], coordinate_dofs[d, i]*phi[d]))), ])) ]) return code
[docs] def compute_reference_coordinates(self, L, ir): degree = ir["coordinate_element_degree"] if degree == 1: # Special case optimized for affine mesh (possibly room for further optimization) return self._compute_reference_coordinates_affine(L, ir) else: # General case with newton loop to solve F(X) = x(X) - x0 = 0 return self._compute_reference_coordinates_newton(L, ir)
def _compute_reference_coordinates_affine(self, L, ir): # TODO: Test! # Dimensions gdim = ir["geometric_dimension"] tdim = ir["topological_dimension"] cellname = ir["cell_shape"] num_points = L.Symbol("num_points") # Number of dofs for a scalar component num_dofs = ir["num_scalar_coordinate_element_dofs"] # Loop indices ip = L.Symbol("ip") # point i = L.Symbol("i") # gdim j = L.Symbol("j") # tdim k = L.Symbol("k") # sum iteration # Output geometry X = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("X"), dims=(num_points, tdim)) # Input geometry x = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("x"), dims=(num_points, gdim)) # Input cell data coordinate_dofs = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("coordinate_dofs"), dims=(num_dofs, gdim)) # Tables of coordinate basis function values and derivatives at # X=0 and X=midpoint available through ir. This is useful in # several geometry functions. tables = ir["tables"] # Check the table shapes against our expectations x_table = tables["x0"] J_table = tables["J0"] assert x_table.shape == (num_dofs,) assert J_table.shape == (tdim, num_dofs) # Table symbols phi_X0 = L.Symbol("phi_X0") dphi_X0 = L.Symbol("dphi_X0") # Table declarations table_decls = [ L.ArrayDecl("static const double", phi_X0, sizes=x_table.shape, values=tables["x0"]), L.ArrayDecl("static const double", dphi_X0, sizes=J_table.shape, values=tables["J0"]), ] # Compute x0 = x(X=0) (optimized by precomputing basis at X=0) x0 = L.Symbol("x0") compute_x0 = [ L.ArrayDecl("double", x0, sizes=(gdim,), values=0), L.ForRange(i, 0, gdim, body= L.ForRange(k, 0, num_dofs, body= L.AssignAdd(x0[i], coordinate_dofs[k, i] * phi_X0[k]))), ] # Compute J0 = J(X=0) (optimized by precomputing basis at X=0) J0 = L.Symbol("J0") compute_J0 = [ L.ArrayDecl("double", J0, sizes=(gdim*tdim,), values=0), L.ForRange(i, 0, gdim, body= L.ForRange(j, 0, tdim, body= L.ForRange(k, 0, num_dofs, body= L.AssignAdd(J0[i*tdim + j], coordinate_dofs[k, i] * dphi_X0[j, k])))), ] # Compute K0 = inv(J0) (and intermediate value det(J0)) detJ0 = L.Symbol("detJ0") K0 = L.Symbol("K0") compute_K0 = [ L.ArrayDecl("double", detJ0, sizes=(1,)), L.Call("compute_jacobian_determinants", (detJ0, 1, J0)), L.ArrayDecl("double", K0, sizes=(tdim*gdim,)), L.Call("compute_jacobian_inverses", (K0, 1, J0, detJ0)), ] # Compute X = K0*(x-x0) for each physical point x compute_X = [ L.ForRange(ip, 0, num_points, body= L.ForRange(j, 0, tdim, body= L.ForRange(i, 0, gdim, body= L.AssignAdd(X[ip, j], K0[j, i]*(x[ip, i] - x0[i]))))), ] # Stitch it together code = L.StatementList(table_decls + compute_x0 + compute_J0 + compute_K0 + compute_X) return code def _compute_reference_coordinates_newton(self, L, ir): # TODO: Test! TODO: Determine stopping criteria to use. """Solves x(X) = x0 for X. Find X such that, given x0, F(X) = x(X) - x0 = 0 Newton iteration is: X^0 = midpoint of reference cell until convergence: dF/dX(X^k) dX^k = -F(X^k) X^{k+1} = X^k + dX^k The Jacobian is just the usual Jacobian of the geometry mapping: dF/dX = dx/dX = J and its inverse is the usual K = J^-1. Because J is small, we can invert it directly and rewrite Jk dX = -(xk - x0) = x0 - xk into Xk = midpoint of reference cell for k in range(maxiter): xk = x(Xk) Jk = J(Xk) Kk = inverse(Jk) dX = Kk (x0 - xk) Xk += dX if dX sufficiently small: break """ # Dimensions gdim = ir["geometric_dimension"] tdim = ir["topological_dimension"] cellname = ir["cell_shape"] num_points = L.Symbol("num_points") degree = ir["coordinate_element_degree"] # Computing table one point at a time instead of vectorized # over num_points will allow skipping dynamic allocation one_point = 1 # Loop indices ip = L.Symbol("ip") # point i = L.Symbol("i") # gdim j = L.Symbol("j") # tdim k = L.Symbol("k") # iteration # Input cell data coordinate_dofs = L.Symbol("coordinate_dofs") cell_orientation = L.Symbol("cell_orientation") # Output geometry X = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("X"), dims=(num_points, tdim)) # Input geometry x = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("x"), dims=(num_points, gdim)) # Find X=Xk such that xk(Xk) = x or F(Xk) = xk(Xk) - x = 0. # Newtons method is then: # X0 = cell midpoint # dF/dX dX = -F # Xk = Xk + dX # Note that # dF/dX = dx/dX = J # giving # inverse(dF/dX) = K # such that dX = -K*(xk(Xk) - x) # Newtons method is then: # for each ip: # xgoal = x[ip] # X0 = cell midpoint # until convergence: # K = K(Xk) # dX = K*(xk(Xk) - x) # Xk -= dX # X[ip] = Xk # Symbols for arrays used below Xk = L.Symbol("Xk") xgoal = L.Symbol("xgoal") dX = L.Symbol("dX") xk = L.Symbol("xk") J = L.Symbol("J") detJ = L.Symbol("detJ") K = L.Symbol("K") # Symbol for ufc_geometry cell midpoint definition mp = L.Symbol("%s_midpoint" % cellname) # Variables for stopping criteria # TODO: Check if these are good convergence criteria, e.g. is epsilon=1e-6 and iterations=degree sufficient? max_iter = L.LiteralInt(2*degree) epsilon = L.LiteralFloat(1e-14) # TODO: Could also easily make criteria input if desired #max_iter = L.Symbol("iterations") #epsilon = L.Symbol("epsilon") dX2 = L.Symbol("dX2") # Wrap K as flattened array for convenient indexing Kf[j,i] Kf = L.FlattenedArray(K, dims=(tdim, gdim)) # declare xgoal = x[ip] # declare Xk = initial value newton_init = [ L.Comment("Declare xgoal to hold the current x coordinate value"), L.ArrayDecl("const double", xgoal, (gdim,), values=[x[ip][iv] for iv in range(gdim)]), L.Comment("Declare Xk iterate with initial value equal to reference cell midpoint"), L.ArrayDecl("double", Xk, (tdim,), values=[mp[c] for c in range(tdim)]), ] # TODO: Use ir["tables"]["xm|Jm"] to compute x(Xm) and J(Xm) for an optimized first iteration part1 = [ L.Comment("Declare intermediate arrays to hold results of compute_geometry call"), L.ArrayDecl("double", xk, (gdim,)), L.ArrayDecl("double", J, (gdim*tdim,)), L.ArrayDecl("double", detJ, (1,)), L.ArrayDecl("double", K, (tdim*gdim,)), L.Comment("Compute K = J^-1 for one point, (J and detJ are only used as"), L.Comment("intermediate storage inside compute_geometry, not used out here"), L.Call("compute_geometry", (xk, J, detJ, K, one_point, Xk, coordinate_dofs, cell_orientation)), ] # Newton body with stopping criteria |dX|^2 < epsilon newton_body = part1 + [ L.Comment("Declare dX increment to be computed, initialized to zero"), L.ArrayDecl("double", dX, (tdim,), values=0.0), L.Comment("Compute dX[j] = sum_i K_ji * (x_i - x(Xk)_i)"), L.ForRange(j, 0, tdim, body= L.ForRange(i, 0, gdim, body= L.AssignAdd(dX[j], Kf[j,i]*(xgoal[i] - xk[i])))), L.Comment("Compute |dX|^2"), L.VariableDecl("double", dX2, value=0.0), L.ForRange(j, 0, tdim, body=L.AssignAdd(dX2, dX[j]*dX[j])), L.Comment("Break if converged (before X += dX such that X,J,detJ,K are consistent)"), L.If(L.LT(dX2, epsilon), L.Break()), L.Comment("Update Xk += dX"), L.ForRange(j, 0, tdim, body=L.AssignAdd(Xk[j], dX[j])), ] # Use this instead for fixed iteration number alternative_newton_body = part1 + [ L.Comment("Compute Xk[j] += sum_i K_ji * (x_i - x(Xk)_i)"), L.ForRange(j, 0, tdim, body= L.ForRange(i, 0, gdim, body= L.AssignAdd(Xk[j], Kf[j,i]*(xgoal[i] - xk[i])))), ] # Loop until convergence newton_loop = L.ForRange(k, 0, max_iter, body=newton_body) # X[ip] = Xk newton_finish = L.ForRange(j, 0, tdim, body=L.Assign(X[ip][j], Xk[j])) # Carry out newton loop for each point code = L.ForRange(ip, 0, num_points, body=L.StatementList([newton_init, newton_loop, newton_finish])) return code
[docs] def compute_jacobians(self, L, ir): # FIXME: Implement evaluate_reference_basis_derivatives num_dofs = ir["num_scalar_coordinate_element_dofs"] scalar_coordinate_element_classname = ir["scalar_coordinate_finite_element_classname"] # Dimensions gdim = ir["geometric_dimension"] tdim = ir["topological_dimension"] num_points = L.Symbol("num_points") # Loop indices ip = L.Symbol("ip") i = L.Symbol("i") j = L.Symbol("j") d = L.Symbol("d") # Input cell data coordinate_dofs = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("coordinate_dofs"), dims=(num_dofs, gdim)) # Output geometry J = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("J"), dims=(num_points, gdim, tdim)) # Input geometry X = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("X"), dims=(num_points, tdim)) # Computing table one point at a time instead of using # num_points will allow skipping dynamic allocation one_point = 1 # FIXME: Use correct approach and function name to compute basis derivatives here if 1: # Call static function on element class define_element = [] func = "%s::_evaluate_reference_basis_derivatives" % (scalar_coordinate_element_classname,) else: # Define scalar finite element instance (stateless, so placing this on the stack is free) define_element = [L.VariableDecl(scalar_coordinate_element_classname, "element")] func = "element.evaluate_reference_basis_derivatives" # Symbols for local basis derivatives table dphi_sym = L.Symbol("dphi") dphi = L.FlattenedArray(dphi_sym, dims=(tdim, num_dofs)) # FIXME: Match array layout of evaluate_reference_basis_derivatives # Arguments to evaluate_reference_basis_derivatives args = (dphi_sym, one_point, L.AddressOf(X[ip, 0])) # FIXME: Match evaluate_reference_basis_derivatives signature # For each point, compute basis derivatives and accumulate into the right J code = L.StatementList(define_element + [ L.ArrayDecl("double", dphi_sym, (one_point*tdim*num_dofs,)), L.ForRange(ip, 0, num_points, body=L.StatementList([ L.Comment("Compute basis derivatives of coordinate element"), L.Call(func, args), L.Comment("Compute J"), L.ForRange(i, 0, gdim, body= L.ForRange(j, 0, tdim, body= L.ForRange(d, 0, num_dofs, body= L.AssignAdd(J[ip, i, j], coordinate_dofs[d, i]*dphi[j, d])))) ])) ]) return code
[docs] def compute_jacobian_determinants(self, L, ir): # Looks good on inspection. TODO: Test! # Dimensions gdim = ir["geometric_dimension"] tdim = ir["topological_dimension"] num_points = L.Symbol("num_points") # Loop indices ip = L.Symbol("ip") # Output geometry detJ = L.Symbol("detJ")[ip] # Input geometry J = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("J"), dims=(num_points, gdim, tdim)) cell_orientation = L.Symbol("cell_orientation") # Assign det expression to detJ # TODO: Call Eigen instead? if gdim == tdim: body = L.Assign(detJ, det_nn(J[ip], gdim)) elif tdim == 1: body = L.Assign(detJ, cell_orientation*pdet_m1(A, gdim)) #elif tdim == 2 and gdim == 3: # body = L.Assign(detJ, cell_orientation*pdet_32(A)) # Possible optimization not implemented here else: JTJ = L.Symbol("JTJ") body = L.StatementList([ generate_compute_ATA(L, JTJ, J[ip], gdim, tdim), L.Assign(detJ, cell_orientation*L.Call("sqrt", det_nn(JTJ, tdim))), ]) # Carry out for all points loop = L.ForRange(ip, 0, num_points, body=body) code = loop #[defines, loop] return code
[docs] def compute_jacobian_inverses(self, L, ir): # TODO: Test! Cover all combinations of gdim,tdim=1,2,3! # Dimensions gdim = ir["geometric_dimension"] tdim = ir["topological_dimension"] num_points = L.Symbol("num_points") # Loop indices ip = L.Symbol("ip") # Output geometry K = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("K"), dims=(num_points, tdim, gdim)) # Input geometry J = L.FlattenedArray(L.Symbol("J"), dims=(num_points, gdim, tdim)) detJ = L.Symbol("detJ") # Assign to K[j][i] for each component j,i body = generate_assign_inverse(L, K[ip], J[ip], detJ[ip], gdim, tdim) # Carry out for all points return L.ForRange(ip, 0, num_points, body=body)
[docs] def compute_geometry(self, L, ir): # Output looks good on inspection. TODO: Test! # Output geometry x = L.Symbol("x") J = L.Symbol("J") detJ = L.Symbol("detJ") K = L.Symbol("K") # Dimensions num_points = L.Symbol("num_points") # Input geometry X = L.Symbol("X") # Input cell data coordinate_dofs = L.Symbol("coordinate_dofs") cell_orientation = L.Symbol("cell_orientation") # All arguments args = (x, J, detJ, K, num_points, X, coordinate_dofs, cell_orientation) # Just chain calls to other functions here code = [ L.Call("compute_physical_coordinates", (x, num_points, X, coordinate_dofs, cell_orientation)), L.Call("compute_jacobians", (J, num_points, X, coordinate_dofs, cell_orientation)), L.Call("compute_jacobian_determinants", (detJ, num_points, J)), L.Call("compute_jacobian_inverses", (K, num_points, J, detJ)), ] return L.StatementList(code)