Source code for ffc.representationutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains utility functions for some code shared between
quadrature and tensor representation."""

# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Marie Rognes
# This file is part of FFC.
# FFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# FFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with FFC. If not, see <>.
# Modified by Martin Sandve Alnæs 2013-2016
# Modified by Anders Logg 2014

import numpy

from ufl.measure import integral_type_to_measure_name, point_integral_types, facet_integral_types, custom_integral_types
from ufl.cell import cellname2facetname

from ffc.log import error
from ffc.cpp import make_integral_classname
from ffc.fiatinterface import create_element
from ffc.fiatinterface import create_quadrature
from ffc.fiatinterface import map_facet_points
from ffc.fiatinterface import reference_cell_vertices

[docs]def create_quadrature_points_and_weights(integral_type, cell, degree, rule): "Create quadrature rule and return points and weights." if integral_type == "cell": (points, weights) = create_quadrature(cell.cellname(), degree, rule) elif integral_type in facet_integral_types: (points, weights) = create_quadrature(cellname2facetname[cell.cellname()], degree, rule) elif integral_type in point_integral_types: (points, weights) = create_quadrature("vertex", degree, rule) elif integral_type in custom_integral_types: (points, weights) = (None, None) else: error("Unknown integral type: " + str(integral_type)) return (points, weights)
[docs]def integral_type_to_entity_dim(integral_type, tdim): "Given integral_type and domain tdim, return the tdim of the integration entity." if integral_type == "cell": entity_dim = tdim elif integral_type in facet_integral_types: entity_dim = tdim - 1 elif integral_type in point_integral_types: entity_dim = 0 elif integral_type in custom_integral_types: entity_dim = tdim else: error("Unknown integral_type: %s" % integral_type) return entity_dim
[docs]def map_integral_points(points, integral_type, cell, entity): """Map points from reference entity to its parent reference cell.""" tdim = cell.topological_dimension() entity_dim = integral_type_to_entity_dim(integral_type, tdim) if entity_dim == tdim: assert points.shape[1] == tdim assert entity == 0 return numpy.asarray(points) elif entity_dim == tdim - 1: assert points.shape[1] == tdim - 1 return numpy.asarray(map_facet_points(points, entity)) elif entity_dim == 0: return numpy.asarray([reference_cell_vertices(cell.cellname())[entity]]) else: error("Can't map points from entity_dim=%s" % (entity_dim,))
[docs]def transform_component(component, offset, ufl_element): """ This function accounts for the fact that if the geometrical and topological dimension does not match, then for native vector elements, in particular the Piola-mapped ones, the physical value dimensions and the reference value dimensions are not the same. This has certain consequences for mixed elements, aka 'fun with offsets'. """ # This code is used for tensor/ and # quadrature/ cell = ufl_element.cell() gdim = cell.geometric_dimension() tdim = cell.topological_dimension() # Do nothing if we are not in a special case: The special cases # occur if we have piola mapped elements (for which value_shape != # ()), and if gdim != tdim) if gdim == tdim: return component, offset all_mappings = create_element(ufl_element).mapping() special_case = (any(['piola' in m for m in all_mappings]) and ufl_element.num_sub_elements() > 1) if not special_case: return component, offset # Extract lists of reference and physical value dimensions by # sub-element reference_value_dims = [] physical_value_dims = [] for sub_element in ufl_element.sub_elements(): assert (len(sub_element.value_shape()) < 2), \ "Vector-valued assumption failed" if sub_element.value_shape() == (): reference_value_dims += [1] physical_value_dims += [1] else: reference_value_dims += [sub_element.value_shape()[0] - (gdim - tdim)] physical_value_dims += [sub_element.value_shape()[0]] # Figure out which sub-element number 'component' is in, # 'sub_element_number' contains the result tot = physical_value_dims[0] for sub_element_number in range(len(physical_value_dims)): if component < tot: break else: tot += physical_value_dims[sub_element_number + 1] # Compute the new reference offset: reference_offset = sum(reference_value_dims[:sub_element_number]) physical_offset = sum(physical_value_dims[:sub_element_number]) shift = physical_offset - reference_offset # Compute the component relative to the reference frame reference_component = component - shift return reference_component, reference_offset
[docs]def needs_oriented_jacobian(form_data): # Check whether this form needs an oriented jacobian (only forms # involgin contravariant piola mappings seem to need it) for ufl_element in form_data.unique_elements: element = create_element(ufl_element) if "contravariant piola" in element.mapping(): return True return False
# Mapping from recognized domain types to entity types _entity_types = { "cell": "cell", "exterior_facet": "facet", "interior_facet": "facet", "vertex": "vertex", # "point": "vertex", # TODO: Not sure, clarify here what 'entity_type' refers to? "custom": "cell", "cutcell": "cell", "interface": "cell", # "facet" # TODO: ? "overlap": "cell", }
[docs]def entity_type_from_integral_type(integral_type): return _entity_types[integral_type]
[docs]def initialize_integral_ir(representation, itg_data, form_data, form_id): """Initialize a representation dict with common information that is expected independently of which representation is chosen.""" entitytype = entity_type_from_integral_type(itg_data.integral_type) cell = itg_data.domain.ufl_cell() #cellname = cell.cellname() tdim = cell.topological_dimension() assert all(tdim == itg.ufl_domain().topological_dimension() for itg in itg_data.integrals) # Set number of cells if not set TODO: Get automatically from number of domains num_cells = itg_data.metadata.get("num_cells") return {"representation": representation, "integral_type": itg_data.integral_type, "subdomain_id": itg_data.subdomain_id, "form_id": form_id, "rank": form_data.rank, "geometric_dimension": form_data.geometric_dimension, "topological_dimension": tdim, "entitytype": entitytype, "num_facets": cell.num_facets(), "num_vertices": cell.num_vertices(), "needs_oriented": needs_oriented_jacobian(form_data), "num_cells": num_cells, "enabled_coefficients": itg_data.enabled_coefficients, }
[docs]def generate_enabled_coefficients(enabled_coefficients): # TODO: I don't know how to implement this using the format dict, this will do for now: initializer_list = ", ".join("true" if enabled else "false" for enabled in enabled_coefficients) code = '\n'.join([ "static const std::vector<bool> enabled({%s});" % initializer_list, "return enabled;", ]) return code
[docs]def initialize_integral_code(ir, prefix, parameters): "Representation independent default initialization of code dict for integral from intermediate representation." code = {} code["class_type"] = ir["integral_type"] + "_integral" code["classname"] = make_integral_classname(prefix, ir["integral_type"], ir["form_id"], ir["subdomain_id"]) code["members"] = "" code["constructor"] = "" code["constructor_arguments"] = "" code["initializer_list"] = "" code["destructor"] = "" code["enabled_coefficients"] = generate_enabled_coefficients(ir["enabled_coefficients"]) # code["additional_includes_set"] = set() #ir["additional_includes_set"] return code