Source code for ffc.quadratureelement

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Kristian B. Oelgaard
# This file is part of FFC.
# FFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# FFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with FFC. If not, see <>.
# Modified by Garth N. Wells 2006-2009

# Python modules.
import numpy

# FIAT modules.
from FIAT.functional import PointEvaluation

# FFC modules.
from ffc.fiatinterface import reference_cell, create_quadrature
from ffc.log import error, info_red

# Default quadrature element degree
default_quadrature_degree = 1
default_quadrature_scheme = "canonical"

[docs]class QuadratureElement: """Write description of QuadratureElement""" def __init__(self, ufl_element): "Create QuadratureElement" # Compute number of points per axis from the degree of the element degree = if degree is None: degree = default_quadrature_degree scheme = ufl_element.quadrature_scheme() if scheme is None: scheme = default_quadrature_scheme self._quad_scheme = scheme # Create quadrature (only interested in points) # TODO: KBO: What should we do about quadrature functions that live on ds, dS? # Get cell and facet names. cell = ufl_element.cell() cellname = cell.cellname() points, weights = create_quadrature(cellname, degree, self._quad_scheme) # Save the quadrature points self._points = points # Create entity dofs. ufc_cell = reference_cell(cellname) self._entity_dofs = _create_entity_dofs(ufc_cell, len(points)) # The dual is a simply the PointEvaluation at the quadrature points # FIXME: KBO: Check if this gives expected results for code like evaluate_dof. self._dual = [PointEvaluation(ufc_cell, tuple(point)) for point in points] # Save the geometric dimension. # FIXME: KBO: Do we need to change this in order to integrate on facets? # MSA: Not the geometric dimension, but maybe the topological dimension somewhere? self._geometric_dimension = cell.geometric_dimension()
[docs] def space_dimension(self): "The element space dimension is simply the number of quadrature points" return len(self._points)
[docs] def value_shape(self): "The QuadratureElement is scalar valued" return ()
[docs] def entity_dofs(self): "Entity dofs are like that of DG, all internal to the cell" return self._entity_dofs
[docs] def mapping(self): "The mapping is not really affine, but it is easier to handle the code generation this way." return ["affine"] * self.space_dimension()
[docs] def dual_basis(self): "Return list of PointEvaluations" return self._dual
[docs] def tabulate(self, order, points): """Return the identity matrix of size (num_quad_points, num_quad_points), in a format that monomialintegration and monomialtabulation understands.""" # Derivatives are not defined on a QuadratureElement # FIXME: currently this check results in a warning (should be RuntimeError) # because otherwise some forms fails if QuadratureElement is used in a # mixed element e.g., # element = CG + QuadratureElement # (v, w) = BasisFunctions(element) # grad(w): this is in error and should result in a runtime error # grad(v): this should be OK, but currently will raise a warning because # derivatives are tabulated for ALL elements in the mixed element. # This issue should be fixed in UFL and then we can switch on the # RuntimeError again. if order: # error("Derivatives are not defined on a QuadratureElement") info_red("\n*** WARNING: Derivatives are not defined on a QuadratureElement,") info_red(" returning values of basisfunction.\n") # Check that incoming points are equal to the quadrature points. if len(points) != len(self._points) or abs(numpy.array(points) - self._points).max() > 1e-12: print("\npoints:\n", numpy.array(points)) print("\nquad points:\n", self._points) error("Points must be equal to coordinates of quadrature points") # Return the identity matrix of size len(self._points) in a # suitable format for tensor and quadrature representations. values = numpy.eye(len(self._points)) return {(0,) * self._geometric_dimension: values}
def _create_entity_dofs(fiat_cell, num_dofs): "This function is ripped from FIAT/" entity_dofs = {} top = fiat_cell.get_topology() for dim in sorted(top): entity_dofs[dim] = {} for entity in sorted(top[dim]): entity_dofs[dim][entity] = [] entity_dofs[dim][0] = list(range(num_dofs)) return entity_dofs