Source code for ffc.mixedelement

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Anders Logg
# This file is part of FFC.
# FFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# FFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with FFC. If not, see <>.
# Modified by Garth N. Wells, 2006-2009
# Modified by Marie E. Rognes, 2007-2010
# Modified by Kristian B. Oelgaard, 2010
# Modified by Lizao Li, 2015

# Python modules
import numpy

# FFC modules
from ffc.log import error

# UFL utils
from ufl.utils.sequences import product

[docs]class MixedElement: "Create a FFC mixed element from a list of FFC/FIAT elements." def __init__(self, elements): self._elements = elements self._entity_dofs = _combine_entity_dofs(self._elements)
[docs] def elements(self): return self._elements
[docs] def space_dimension(self): return sum(e.space_dimension() for e in self._elements)
[docs] def value_shape(self): # Values of Tensor elements are flattened in MixedElements num_comps = lambda x: if x else 1 return (sum(num_comps(e.value_shape()) or 1 for e in self._elements),)
[docs] def entity_dofs(self): return self._entity_dofs
[docs] def mapping(self): return [m for e in self._elements for m in e.mapping()]
[docs] def dual_basis(self): return [L for e in self._elements for L in e.dual_basis()]
[docs] def num_components(self): return sum(_num_components(e) for e in self._elements)
[docs] def tabulate(self, order, points): """ Tabulate values on mixed element by appropriately reordering the tabulated values for the nested elements. The table of values is organized as follows: D^a v_i[j](x_k) = table[a][i][j][k] where a is a multi-index (tuple) representing the derivative. For example, a = (1, 1) represents d/dx d/dy. """ # Special case: only one element # NOTE: KBO: Why do we need this special case? (FFC Bug #798578) # When calling tabulate() on a MixedElement one should be able to # rely on getting data back which is ordered like a mixed element # irrespective of the number of elements? # if len(self._elements) == 1: # return self._elements[0].tabulate(order, points) # Zeros for insertion into mixed table table_shape = (self.space_dimension(), self.num_components(), len(points)) # Iterate over elements and fill in non-zero values irange = (0, 0) crange = (0, 0) mixed_table = {} for element in self._elements: # Tabulate element table = element.tabulate(order, points) # Compute range for insertion into mixed table irange = (irange[1], irange[1] + element.space_dimension()) crange = (crange[1], crange[1] + _num_components(element)) # Insert table into mixed table for dtuple in table.keys(): # Insert zeros if necessary (should only happen first time) if dtuple not in mixed_table: # NOTE: It is super important to create a new numpy.zeros # instance to avoid manipulating a numpy reference in case # it is created outside the loop. mixed_table[dtuple] = numpy.zeros(table_shape) # Insert non-zero values if (crange[1] - crange[0]) > 1: mixed_table[dtuple][irange[0]:irange[1], crange[0]:crange[1]] = numpy.reshape(table[dtuple], (irange[1] - irange[0], crange[1] - crange[0], len(points))) else: mixed_table[dtuple][irange[0]:irange[1], crange[0]] = table[dtuple] return mixed_table
#--- Utility functions --- def _combine_entity_dofs(elements): """ Combine the entity_dofs from a list of elements into a combined entity_dof containing the information for all the elements. """ # Return {} if no elements if not elements: return {} # Initialize entity_dofs dictionary entity_dofs = dict((key, {}) for key in elements[0].entity_dofs()) for dim in elements[0].entity_dofs(): for entity in elements[0].entity_dofs()[dim]: entity_dofs[dim][entity] = [] offset = 0 # Insert dofs from each element into the mixed entity_dof. for e in elements: dofs = e.entity_dofs() for dim in dofs: for entity in dofs[dim]: # Must take offset into account shifted_dofs = [v + offset for v in dofs[dim][entity]] # Insert dofs from this element into the entity_dofs entity_dofs[dim][entity] += shifted_dofs # Adjust offset offset += e.space_dimension() return entity_dofs def _num_components(element): "Compute number of components for element." return product(element.value_shape())