Source code for ffc.formatting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Compiler stage 5: Code formatting

This module implements the formatting of UFC code from a given
dictionary of generated C++ code for the body of each UFC function.

It relies on templates for UFC code available as part of the module

# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Anders Logg
# This file is part of FFC.
# FFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# FFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with FFC. If not, see <>.

# Python modules
import os

# FFC modules
from ffc.log import info, error, begin, end, dstr
from ffc import __version__ as FFC_VERSION
from ffc.backends.ufc import __version__ as UFC_VERSION
from ffc.cpp import format, make_classname
from ffc.backends.ufc import templates, visibility_snippet, factory_decl, factory_impl
from ffc.parameters import compilation_relevant_parameters

[docs]def generate_factory_functions(prefix, kind, classname): publicname = make_classname(prefix, kind, "main") code_h = factory_decl % { "basename": "ufc::%s" % kind, "publicname": publicname, } code_c = factory_impl % { "basename": "ufc::%s" % kind, "publicname": publicname, "privatename": classname } return code_h, code_c
[docs]def generate_jit_factory_functions(code, prefix): # Extract code code_elements, code_dofmaps, code_coordinate_mappings, code_integrals, code_forms = code if code_forms: # Direct jit of form code_h, code_c = generate_factory_functions( prefix, "form", code_forms[-1]["classname"]) elif code_coordinate_mappings: # Direct jit of coordinate mapping code_h, code_c = generate_factory_functions( prefix, "coordinate_mapping", code_coordinate_mappings[-1]["classname"]) else: # Direct jit of element code_h, code_c = generate_factory_functions( prefix, "finite_element", code_elements[-1]["classname"]) fh, fc = generate_factory_functions( prefix, "dofmap", code_dofmaps[-1]["classname"]) code_h += fh code_c += fc return code_h, code_c
[docs]def format_code(code, wrapper_code, prefix, parameters, jit=False): "Format given code in UFC format. Returns two strings with header and source file contents." begin("Compiler stage 5: Formatting code") # Extract code code_elements, code_dofmaps, code_coordinate_mappings, code_integrals, code_forms = code # Generate code for comment on top of file code_h_pre = _generate_comment(parameters) + "\n" code_c_pre = _generate_comment(parameters) + "\n" # Generate code for header code_h_pre += format["header_h"] % {"prefix_upper": prefix.upper()} code_c_pre += format["header_c"] % {"prefix": prefix} # Add includes includes_h, includes_c = _generate_additional_includes(code) code_h_pre += includes_h code_c_pre += includes_c # Header and implementation code code_h = "" code_c = "" if jit: code_c += visibility_snippet # Generate code for elements for code_element in code_elements: code_h += _format_h("finite_element", code_element, parameters, jit) code_c += _format_c("finite_element", code_element, parameters, jit) # Generate code for dofmaps for code_dofmap in code_dofmaps: code_h += _format_h("dofmap", code_dofmap, parameters, jit) code_c += _format_c("dofmap", code_dofmap, parameters, jit) # Generate code for coordinate_mappings for code_coordinate_mapping in code_coordinate_mappings: code_h += _format_h("coordinate_mapping", code_coordinate_mapping, parameters) code_c += _format_c("coordinate_mapping", code_coordinate_mapping, parameters) # Generate code for integrals for code_integral in code_integrals: code_h += _format_h(code_integral["class_type"], code_integral, parameters, jit) code_c += _format_c(code_integral["class_type"], code_integral, parameters, jit) # Generate code for form for code_form in code_forms: code_h += _format_h("form", code_form, parameters, jit) code_c += _format_c("form", code_form, parameters, jit) # Add factory functions named "..._main" to construct # the main jit object this module if 0: # jit: # should be part of templates now, right? FIXME Remove? fh, fc = generate_jit_factory_functions(code, prefix) code_h += fh code_c += fc # Add wrappers if wrapper_code: code_h += wrapper_code # Generate code for footer code_h += format["footer"] # Add headers to body code_h = code_h_pre + code_h if code_c: code_c = code_c_pre + code_c end() return code_h, code_c
[docs]def write_code(code_h, code_c, prefix, parameters): # Write file(s) _write_file(code_h, prefix, ".h", parameters) if code_c: _write_file(code_c, prefix, ".cpp", parameters)
def _format_h(class_type, code, parameters, jit=False): "Format header code for given class type." if jit: return templates[class_type + "_jit_header"] % code + "\n" elif parameters["split"]: return templates[class_type + "_header"] % code + "\n" else: return templates[class_type + "_combined"] % code + "\n" def _format_c(class_type, code, parameters, jit=False): "Format implementation code for given class type." if jit: return templates[class_type + "_jit_implementation"] % code + "\n" elif parameters["split"]: return templates[class_type + "_implementation"] % code + "\n" else: return "" def _write_file(output, prefix, postfix, parameters): "Write generated code to file." filename = os.path.join(parameters["output_dir"], prefix + postfix) with open(filename, "w") as hfile: hfile.write(output) info("Output written to " + filename + ".") def _generate_comment(parameters): "Generate code for comment on top of file." # Drop irrelevant parameters parameters = compilation_relevant_parameters(parameters) # Generate top level comment args = {"ffc_version": FFC_VERSION, "ufc_version": UFC_VERSION} if parameters["format"] == "ufc": comment = format["ufc comment"] % args elif parameters["format"] == "dolfin": comment = format["dolfin comment"] % args else: error("Unable to format code, unknown format \"%s\".", parameters["format"]) # Add parameter information comment += format["comment"]("") + "\n" comment += format["comment"]("This code was generated with the following parameters:") + "\n" comment += format["comment"]("") comment += "\n".join([""] + [format["comment"](" " + l) for l in dstr(parameters).split("\n")][:-1]) comment += "\n" return comment def _generate_additional_includes(code): s = set() s.add("#include <ufc.h>") for code_foo in code: # FIXME: Avoid adding these includes if we don't need them # s.add("#include <cmath>") s.add("#include <stdexcept>") for c in code_foo: s.update(c.get("additional_includes_set", ())) if s: includes = "\n".join(sorted(s)) + "\n" else: includes = "" # TODO: move includes to cpp file if possible return includes, ""