Source code for ffc.codegeneration

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Compiler stage 4: Code generation

This module implements the generation of C++ code for the body of each
UFC function from an (optimized) intermediate representation (OIR).

# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Anders Logg, Martin Sandve Alnæs, Marie E. Rognes,
# Kristian B. Oelgaard, and others
# This file is part of FFC.
# FFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# FFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with FFC. If not, see <>.

from itertools import chain
from ufl import product

# FFC modules
from ffc.log import info, begin, end, debug_code, dstr
from ffc.cpp import format, indent
from ffc.cpp import set_exception_handling, set_float_formatting

# FFC code generation modules
from ffc.evaluatebasis import _evaluate_basis, _evaluate_basis_all
from ffc.evaluatebasisderivatives import _evaluate_basis_derivatives
from ffc.evaluatebasisderivatives import _evaluate_basis_derivatives_all
from ffc.evaluatedof import evaluate_dof_and_dofs, affine_weights
from ffc.interpolatevertexvalues import interpolate_vertex_values
from ffc.representation import pick_representation, ufc_integral_types

# Errors issued for non-implemented functions
def _not_implemented(function_name, return_null=False):
    body = format["exception"]("%s not yet implemented." % function_name)
    if return_null:
        body += "\n" + format["return"](0)
    return body

[docs]def generate_code(ir, parameters): "Generate code from intermediate representation." begin("Compiler stage 4: Generating code") # FIXME: This has global side effects # Set code generation parameters set_float_formatting(parameters["precision"]) set_exception_handling(parameters["convert_exceptions_to_warnings"]) # Extract representations ir_elements, ir_dofmaps, ir_coordinate_mappings, ir_integrals, ir_forms = ir # Generate code for elements info("Generating code for %d element(s)" % len(ir_elements)) code_elements = [_generate_element_code(ir, parameters) for ir in ir_elements] # Generate code for dofmaps info("Generating code for %d dofmap(s)" % len(ir_dofmaps)) code_dofmaps = [_generate_dofmap_code(ir, parameters) for ir in ir_dofmaps] # Generate code for coordinate_mappings info("Generating code for %d coordinate_mapping(s)" % len(ir_coordinate_mappings)) code_coordinate_mappings = [_generate_coordinate_mapping_code(ir, parameters) for ir in ir_coordinate_mappings] # FIXME: This disables output of generated coordinate_mapping class, until implemented properly code_coordinate_mappings = [] # Generate code for integrals info("Generating code for integrals") code_integrals = [_generate_integral_code(ir, parameters) for ir in ir_integrals] # Generate code for forms info("Generating code for forms") code_forms = [_generate_form_code(ir, parameters) for ir in ir_forms] end() return code_elements, code_dofmaps, code_coordinate_mappings, code_integrals, code_forms
def _generate_element_code(ir, parameters): "Generate code for finite element from intermediate representation." # Skip code generation if ir is None if ir is None: return None # Prefetch formatting to speedup code generation ret = format["return"] do_nothing = format["do nothing"] create = format["create foo"] # Codes generated together (evaluate_dof_code, evaluate_dofs_code) \ = evaluate_dof_and_dofs(ir["evaluate_dof"]) #element_number = ir["id"] # Generate code code = {} code["classname"] = ir["classname"] code["members"] = "" code["constructor"] = do_nothing code["constructor_arguments"] = "" code["initializer_list"] = "" code["destructor"] = do_nothing code["signature"] = ret('"%s"' % ir["signature"]) code["cell_shape"] = ret(format["cell"](ir["cell_shape"])) code["topological_dimension"] = ret(ir["topological_dimension"]) code["geometric_dimension"] = ret(ir["geometric_dimension"]) code["space_dimension"] = ret(ir["space_dimension"]) code["value_rank"] = ret(len(ir["value_shape"])) code["value_dimension"] = _value_dimension(ir["value_shape"]) code["value_size"] = ret(product(ir["value_shape"])) code["reference_value_rank"] = ret(len(ir["reference_value_shape"])) code["reference_value_dimension"] = _value_dimension(ir["reference_value_shape"]) code["reference_value_size"] = ret(product(ir["reference_value_shape"])) code["degree"] = ret(ir["degree"]) code["family"] = ret('"%s"' % (ir["family"],)) code["evaluate_basis"] = _evaluate_basis(ir["evaluate_basis"]) code["evaluate_basis_all"] = _evaluate_basis_all(ir["evaluate_basis"]) code["evaluate_basis_derivatives"] \ = _evaluate_basis_derivatives(ir["evaluate_basis"]) code["evaluate_basis_derivatives_all"] \ = _evaluate_basis_derivatives_all(ir["evaluate_basis"]) code["evaluate_dof"] = evaluate_dof_code code["evaluate_dofs"] = evaluate_dofs_code code["interpolate_vertex_values"] \ = interpolate_vertex_values(ir["interpolate_vertex_values"]) code["tabulate_dof_coordinates"] \ = _tabulate_dof_coordinates(ir["tabulate_dof_coordinates"]) code["num_sub_elements"] = ret(ir["num_sub_elements"]) code["create_sub_element"] = _create_sub_element(ir) code["create"] = ret(create(code["classname"])) code["additional_includes_set"] = _additional_includes_finite_element(ir) # Postprocess code _postprocess_code(code, parameters) return code def _generate_dofmap_code(ir, parameters): "Generate code for dofmap from intermediate representation." # Skip code generation if ir is None if ir is None: return None # Prefetch formatting to speedup code generation ret = format["return"] declare = format["declaration"] assign = format["assign"] do_nothing = format["do nothing"] switch = format["switch"] f_int = format["int"] f_d = format["argument dimension"] create = format["create foo"] #element_number = ir["id"] # Generate code code = {} code["classname"] = ir["classname"] code["members"] = "" code["constructor"] = do_nothing code["constructor_arguments"] = "" code["initializer_list"] = "" code["destructor"] = do_nothing code["signature"] = ret('"%s"' % ir["signature"]) code["needs_mesh_entities"] \ = _needs_mesh_entities(ir["needs_mesh_entities"]) code["topological_dimension"] = ret(ir["topological_dimension"]) code["global_dimension"] = _global_dimension(ir["global_dimension"]) code["num_element_dofs"] = ret(ir["num_element_dofs"]) code["num_facet_dofs"] = ret(ir["num_facet_dofs"]) code["num_entity_dofs"] \ = switch(f_d, [ret(num) for num in ir["num_entity_dofs"]], ret(f_int(0))) code["num_entity_closure_dofs"] \ = switch(f_d, [ret(num) for num in ir["num_entity_closure_dofs"]], ret(f_int(0))) code["tabulate_dofs"] = _tabulate_dofs(ir["tabulate_dofs"]) code["tabulate_facet_dofs"] \ = _tabulate_facet_dofs(ir["tabulate_facet_dofs"]) code["tabulate_entity_dofs"] \ = _tabulate_entity_dofs(ir["tabulate_entity_dofs"]) code["tabulate_entity_closure_dofs"] \ = _tabulate_entity_closure_dofs(ir["tabulate_entity_closure_dofs"]) code["num_sub_dofmaps"] = ret(ir["num_sub_dofmaps"]) code["create_sub_dofmap"] = _create_sub_dofmap(ir) code["create"] = ret(create(code["classname"])) code["additional_includes_set"] = _additional_includes_dofmap(ir) # Postprocess code _postprocess_code(code, parameters) return code def _additional_includes_dofmap(ir): if not ir["jit"]: return set() dofmap_classnames = ir["create_sub_dofmap"] jit_includes = [classname.split("_dofmap")[0] + ".h" for classname in dofmap_classnames] return set("#include <%s>" % inc for inc in jit_includes) def _additional_includes_finite_element(ir): if not ir["jit"]: return set() finite_element_classnames = ir["create_sub_element"] jit_includes = [classname.split("_finite_element")[0] + ".h" for classname in finite_element_classnames] return set("#include <%s>" % inc for inc in jit_includes) def _additional_includes_coordinate_mapping(ir): if not ir["jit"]: return set() finite_element_classnames = [ ir["coordinate_finite_element_classname"], ir["scalar_coordinate_finite_element_classname"] ] jit_includes = [classname.split("_finite_element")[0] + ".h" for classname in finite_element_classnames] return set("#include <%s>" % inc for inc in jit_includes) def _additional_includes_form(ir): if not ir["jit"]: return set() # Gather all header names for classes that are separately compiled # For finite_element and dofmap the module and header name is the prefix, # extracted here with .split, and equal for both classes so we skip dofmap here: finite_element_classnames = list(chain( ir["create_finite_element"], ir["create_coordinate_finite_element"] )) jit_includes = set(classname.split("_finite_element")[0] + ".h" for classname in finite_element_classnames) # FIXME: Enable when coordinate_mapping is fully generated: #jit_includes.update(classname + ".h" for classname in ir["create_coordinate_mapping"]) return set("#include <%s>" % inc for inc in jit_includes) def _generate_coordinate_mapping_code(ir, parameters): "Generate code for coordinate_mapping from intermediate representation." # Skip code generation if ir is None if ir is None: return None coordinate_mapping_number = ir["id"] # FIXME: Get code dict from current work in uflacs # Generate code code = {} code["classname"] = ir["classname"] code["members"] = "" code["constructor"] = "" code["constructor_arguments"] = "" code["initializer_list"] = "" code["destructor"] = "" code["create"] = "return nullptr;" code["signature"] = 'return "fixme";' code["cell_shape"] = "return ufc::shape::triangle;" code["topological_dimension"] = "return 2;" code["geometric_dimension"] = "return 3;" code["create_coordinate_finite_element"] = "return nullptr;" code["create_coordinate_dofmap"] = "return nullptr;" code["compute_physical_coordinates"] = "" code["compute_reference_coordinates"] = "" code["compute_jacobians"] = "" code["compute_jacobian_determinants"] = "" code["compute_jacobian_inverses"] = "" code["compute_geometry"] = "" code["additional_includes_set"] = _additional_includes_coordinate_mapping(ir) return code tt_timing_template = """ // Initialize timing variables static const std::size_t _tperiod = 10000; static std::size_t _tcount = 0; static auto _tsum = std::chrono::nanoseconds::zero(); static auto _tavg_best = std::chrono::nanoseconds::max(); static auto _tmin = std::chrono::nanoseconds::max(); static auto _tmax = std::chrono::nanoseconds::min(); // Measure single kernel time auto _before = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); { // Begin original kernel %s } // End original kernel // Measure single kernel time auto _after = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); // Update time stats const std::chrono::seconds _s(1); auto _tsingle = _after - _before; ++_tcount; _tsum += _tsingle; _tmin = std::min(_tmin, _tsingle); _tmax = std::max(_tmax, _tsingle); if (_tcount %% _tperiod == 0 || _tsum > _s) { // Record best average across batches std::chrono::nanoseconds _tavg = _tsum / _tcount; if (_tavg_best > _tavg) _tavg_best = _tavg; // Convert to ns auto _tot_ns = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(_tsum).count(); auto _avg_ns = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(_tavg).count(); auto _min_ns = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(_tmin).count(); auto _max_ns = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(_tmax).count(); auto _avg_best_ns = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(_tavg_best).count(); // Print report std::cout << "FFC tt time:" << " avg_best = " << _avg_best_ns << " ns," << " avg = " << _avg_ns << " ns," << " min = " << _min_ns << " ns," << " max = " << _max_ns << " ns," << " tot = " << _tot_ns << " ns," << " n = " << _tcount << std::endl; // Reset statistics for next batch _tcount = 0; _tsum = std::chrono::nanoseconds(0); _tmin = std::chrono::nanoseconds::max(); _tmax = std::chrono::nanoseconds::min(); } """ def _generate_integral_code(ir, parameters): "Generate code for integrals from intermediate representation." # Skip code generation if ir is None if ir is None: return None # Select representation r = pick_representation(ir["representation"]) # Generate code # TODO: Drop prefix argument and get from ir: code = r.generate_integral_code(ir, ir["prefix"], parameters) # Hack for benchmarking overhead in assembler with empty tabulate_tensor if parameters["generate_dummy_tabulate_tensor"]: code["tabulate_tensor"] = "" # Wrapping tabulate_tensor in a timing snippet for benchmarking if parameters["add_tabulate_tensor_timing"]: code["tabulate_tensor"] = tt_timing_template % code["tabulate_tensor"] code["additional_includes_set"] = code.get("additional_includes_set", set()) code["additional_includes_set"].add("#include <chrono>") code["additional_includes_set"].add("#include <iostream>") # Generate comment code["tabulate_tensor_comment"] = _generate_tabulate_tensor_comment(ir, parameters) # Indent code (unused variables should already be removed) # FIXME: Remove this quick hack if ir["representation"] != "uflacs": _indent_code(code) else: code["tabulate_tensor_comment"] = indent(code["tabulate_tensor_comment"], 4) return code def _generate_tabulate_tensor_comment(ir, parameters): "Generate comment for tabulate_tensor." r = ir["representation"] integrals_metadata = ir["integrals_metadata"] integral_metadata = ir["integral_metadata"] comment = format["comment"]("This function was generated using '%s' representation" % r) + "\n" comment += format["comment"]("with the following integrals metadata:") + "\n" comment += format["comment"]("") + "\n" comment += "\n".join([format["comment"](" " + l) for l in dstr(integrals_metadata).split("\n")][:-1]) comment += "\n" for i, metadata in enumerate(integral_metadata): comment += format["comment"]("") + "\n" comment += format["comment"]("and the following integral %d metadata:" % i) + "\n" comment += format["comment"]("") + "\n" comment += "\n".join([format["comment"](" " + l) for l in dstr(metadata).split("\n")][:-1]) comment += "\n" return comment def _generate_original_coefficient_position(original_coefficient_positions): # TODO: I don't know how to implement this using the format dict, # this will do for now: initializer_list = ", ".join(str(i) for i in original_coefficient_positions) code = '\n'.join([ "static const std::vector<std::size_t> position({%s});" % initializer_list, "return position[i];", ]) return code def _generate_form_code(ir, parameters): "Generate code for form from intermediate representation." # Skip code generation if ir is None if ir is None: return None # Prefetch formatting to speedup code generation ret = format["return"] do_nothing = format["do nothing"] # Generate code code = {} code["classname"] = ir["classname"] code["members"] = "" code["constructor"] = do_nothing code["constructor_arguments"] = "" code["initializer_list"] = "" code["destructor"] = do_nothing code["signature"] = ret('"%s"' % ir["signature"]) code["original_coefficient_position"] = \ _generate_original_coefficient_position(ir["original_coefficient_position"]) code["rank"] = ret(ir["rank"]) code["num_coefficients"] = ret(ir["num_coefficients"]) code["create_coordinate_finite_element"] = _create_coordinate_finite_element(ir) code["create_coordinate_dofmap"] = _create_coordinate_dofmap(ir) code["create_coordinate_mapping"] = _create_coordinate_mapping(ir) code["create_finite_element"] = _create_finite_element(ir) code["create_dofmap"] = _create_dofmap(ir) code["additional_includes_set"] = _additional_includes_form(ir) for integral_type in ufc_integral_types: code["max_%s_subdomain_id" % integral_type] = \ ret(ir["max_%s_subdomain_id" % integral_type]) code["has_%s_integrals" % integral_type] = \ _has_foo_integrals(ir, integral_type) code["create_%s_integral" % integral_type] = \ _create_foo_integral(ir, integral_type) code["create_default_%s_integral" % integral_type] = \ _create_default_foo_integral(ir, integral_type) # Postprocess code _postprocess_code(code, parameters) return code #--- Code generation for non-trivial functions --- def _value_dimension(ir): "Generate code for value_dimension." ret = format["return"] axis = format["argument axis"] f_int = format["int"] if ir == (): return ret(1) return format["switch"](axis, [ret(n) for n in ir], ret(f_int(0))) def _needs_mesh_entities(ir): """ Generate code for needs_mesh_entities. ir is a list of num dofs per entity. """ ret = format["return"] boolean = format["bool"] dimension = format["argument dimension"] return format["switch"](dimension, [ret(boolean(c)) for c in ir], ret(boolean(False))) def _global_dimension(ir): """Generate code for global_dimension. ir[0] is a list of num dofs per entity.""" num_dofs = ir[0] component = format["component"] entities = format["num entities"] dimension = format["inner product"]([format["int"](d) for d in num_dofs], [component(entities, d) for d in range(len(num_dofs))]) # Handle global "elements" if any if ir[1]: dimension = format["add"]([dimension, format["int"](ir[1])]) try: dimension = format["int"](eval(dimension)) except: pass code = format["return"](dimension) return code def _tabulate_facet_dofs(ir): "Generate code for tabulate_facet_dofs." assign = format["assign"] component = format["component"] dofs = format["argument dofs"] cases = ["\n".join(assign(component(dofs, i), dof) for (i, dof) in enumerate(facet)) for facet in ir] return format["switch"](format["facet"](None), cases) def _tabulate_dofs(ir): "Generate code for tabulate_dofs." # Prefetch formats add = format["addition"] iadd = format["iadd"] multiply = format["multiply"] assign = format["assign"] component = format["component"] entity_index = format["entity index"] num_entities_format = format["num entities"] unsigned_int = format["uint declaration"] dofs_variable = format["argument dofs"] if ir is None: return assign(component(dofs_variable, 0), 0) # Extract representation (dofs_per_element, num_dofs_per_element, need_offset, fakes) = ir # Declare offset if needed code = [] offset_name = "0" if need_offset: offset_name = "offset" code.append(format["declaration"](unsigned_int, offset_name, 0)) # Generate code for each element i = 0 for (no, num_dofs) in enumerate(dofs_per_element): # Handle fakes (Space of reals) if fakes[no] and num_dofs_per_element[no] == 1: code.append(assign(component(dofs_variable, i), offset_name)) if offset_name != "0": code.append(iadd(offset_name, 1)) i += 1 continue # Generate code for each degree of freedom for each dimension for (dim, num) in enumerate(num_dofs): # Ignore if no dofs for this dimension if not num[0]: continue for (k, dofs) in enumerate(num): v = multiply([len(num[k]), component(entity_index, (dim, k))]) for (j, dof) in enumerate(dofs): value = add([offset_name, v, j]) code.append(assign(component(dofs_variable, dof + i), value)) # Update offset corresponding to mesh entity: if need_offset: addition = multiply([len(num[0]), component(num_entities_format, dim)]) code.append(iadd("offset", addition)) i += num_dofs_per_element[no] return "\n".join(code) def _tabulate_dof_coordinates(ir): "Generate code for tabulate_dof_coordinates." # Raise error if tabulate_dof_coordinates is ill-defined if not ir: msg = "tabulate_dof_coordinates is not defined for this element" return format["exception"](msg) # Extract formats: inner_product = format["inner product"] component = format["component"] precision = format["float"] assign = format["assign"] f_x = format["coordinate_dofs"] coordinates = format["argument coordinates"] # Extract coordinates and cell dimension gdim = ir["gdim"] tdim = ir["tdim"] # Aid mapping points from reference to physical element coefficients = affine_weights(tdim) # Generate code for each point and each component code = [] for (i, coordinate) in enumerate(ir["points"]): w = coefficients(coordinate) for j in range(gdim): # Compute physical coordinate coords = [component(f_x(), (k * gdim + j,)) for k in range(tdim + 1)] value = inner_product(w, coords) # Assign coordinate code.append(assign(component(coordinates, (i * gdim + j)), value)) return "\n".join(code) def _tabulate_entity_dofs(ir): "Generate code for tabulate_entity_dofs." # Extract variables from ir entity_dofs, num_dofs_per_entity = ir # Prefetch formats assign = format["assign"] component = format["component"] f_d = format["argument dimension"] f_i = format["argument entity"] dofs = format["argument dofs"] # Add check that dimension and number of mesh entities is valid dim = len(num_dofs_per_entity) excpt = format["exception"]("%s is larger than dimension (%d)" % (f_d, dim - 1)) code = [format["if"]("%s > %d" % (f_d, dim - 1), excpt)] # Generate cases for each dimension: all_cases = ["" for d in range(dim)] for d in range(dim): # Ignore if no entities for this dimension if num_dofs_per_entity[d] == 0: continue # Add check that given entity is valid: num_entities = len(entity_dofs[d].keys()) excpt = format["exception"]("%s is larger than number of entities (%d)" % (f_i, num_entities - 1)) check = format["if"]("%s > %d" % (f_i, num_entities - 1), excpt) # Generate cases for each mesh entity cases = ["\n".join(assign(component(dofs, j), dof) for (j, dof) in enumerate(entity_dofs[d][entity])) for entity in range(num_entities)] # Generate inner switch with preceding check all_cases[d] = "\n".join([check, format["switch"](f_i, cases)]) # Generate outer switch code.append(format["switch"](f_d, all_cases)) return "\n".join(code) def _tabulate_entity_closure_dofs(ir): "Generate code for tabulate_entity_closure_dofs." # Extract variables from ir entity_closure_dofs, entity_dofs, num_dofs_per_entity = ir # Prefetch formats assign = format["assign"] component = format["component"] f_d = format["argument dimension"] f_i = format["argument entity"] dofs = format["argument dofs"] # Add check that dimension and number of mesh entities is valid dim = len(num_dofs_per_entity) excpt = format["exception"]("%s is larger than dimension (%d)" % (f_d, dim - 1)) code = [format["if"]("%s > %d" % (f_d, dim - 1), excpt)] # Generate cases for each dimension: all_cases = ["" for d in range(dim)] for d in range(dim): num_entities = len(entity_dofs[d]) # Add check that given entity is valid: excpt = format["exception"]("%s is larger than number of entities (%d)" % (f_i, num_entities - 1)) check = format["if"]("%s > %d" % (f_i, num_entities - 1), excpt) # Generate cases for each mesh entity cases = [] for entity in range(num_entities): assignments = [assign(component(dofs, j), dof) for (j, dof) in enumerate(entity_closure_dofs[(d, entity)])] cases.append("\n".join(assignments)) # Generate inner switch with preceding check all_cases[d] = "\n".join([check, format["switch"](f_i, cases)]) # Generate outer switch code.append(format["switch"](f_d, all_cases)) return "\n".join(code) #--- Utility functions --- def _create_switch(arg, classnames, factory=False): "Generate code for create_<bar>(arg) returning new <classnames[arg]>." ret = format["return"] if factory: create = format["create factory"] else: create = format["create foo"] numbers = list(range(len(classnames))) cases = [ret(create(name)) for name in classnames] default = ret(0) return format["switch"](arg, cases, default=default, numbers=numbers) def _create_coordinate_finite_element(ir): ret = format["return"] if ir["jit"]: create = format["create factory"] else: create = format["create foo"] classnames = ir["create_coordinate_finite_element"] assert len(classnames) == 1 # list of length 1 until we support multiple domains return ret(create(classnames[0])) def _create_coordinate_dofmap(ir): ret = format["return"] if ir["jit"]: create = format["create factory"] else: create = format["create foo"] classnames = ir["create_coordinate_dofmap"] assert len(classnames) == 1 # list of length 1 until we support multiple domains return ret(create(classnames[0])) def _create_coordinate_mapping(ir): ret = format["return"] if ir["jit"]: create = format["create factory"] else: create = format["create foo"] classnames = ir["create_coordinate_mapping"] assert len(classnames) == 1 # list of length 1 until we support multiple domains # return ret(create(classnames[0])) return ret("nullptr") # FIXME: Disabled until we generate a functional class (work in progress) def _create_finite_element(ir): f_i = format["argument sub"] classnames = ir["create_finite_element"] return _create_switch(f_i, classnames, ir["jit"]) def _create_dofmap(ir): f_i = format["argument sub"] classnames = ir["create_dofmap"] return _create_switch(f_i, classnames, ir["jit"]) def _create_sub_element(ir): f_i = format["argument sub"] classnames = ir["create_sub_element"] return _create_switch(f_i, classnames, ir["jit"]) def _create_sub_dofmap(ir): f_i = format["argument sub"] classnames = ir["create_sub_dofmap"] return _create_switch(f_i, classnames, ir["jit"]) def _has_foo_integrals(ir, integral_type): ret = format["return"] b = format["bool"] i = ir["has_%s_integrals" % integral_type] return ret(b(i)) def _create_foo_integral(ir, integral_type): "Generate code for create_<foo>_integral." ret = format["return"] create = format["create foo"] f_i = format["argument subdomain"] subdomain_ids, classnames = ir["create_%s_integral" % integral_type] cases = [ret(create(name)) for name in classnames] default = ret(0) return format["switch"](f_i, cases, default=default, numbers=subdomain_ids) def _create_default_foo_integral(ir, integral_type): "Generate code for create_default_<foo>_integral." ret = format["return"] classname = ir["create_default_%s_integral" % integral_type] if classname is None: return ret(0) else: create = format["create foo"] return ret(create(classname)) def _postprocess_code(code, parameters): "Postprocess generated code." _indent_code(code) _remove_code(code, parameters) def _indent_code(code): "Indent code that should be indented." for key in code: if key not in ("classname", "members", "constructor_arguments", "initializer_list", "additional_includes_set", "class_type"): code[key] = indent(code[key], 4) def _remove_code(code, parameters): "Remove code that should not be generated." for key in code: flag = "no-" + key if flag in parameters and parameters[flag]: msg = "// Function %s not generated (compiled with -f%s)" \ % (key, flag) code[key] = format["exception"](msg)